I find it amazing the different ways the Spirit of the Lord speaks to us. Since the beginning of this year 2018; I have been seeing and hearing different things from the Holy Spirit in a new and accelerated way.
Sometimes He speaks to me by a Word, Vision, or a Dream. The revelation that I am about to share was given to me in a different pattern.
I liken it to the preaching of Stephen when he was sharing the story of Moses
Acts 7:30 ¶ And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush.
31 When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came unto him,
The Lord had been unfolding the states of Texas and Florida. I noticed that there are a lot of anointed leaders moving to Texas. As I began to pray, I asked the Lord why were they moving. Some of them are leaving head positions on a Word from the Lord. A supernatural draw is calling their name to Texas. I will unfold what I felt from the Spirit of the Lord.
It all started when I noticed the number of anointed men and women of God getting ready to shift into the state of Texas. When I inquired of the Lord this is what I heard.
I am sending the re-enforcements to the State. There are many who have stood on the front lines but are now getting tired. I am sending them the help that they need to hold open the Heavens in places that have had great advancement. These servant leaders will not come in to take over, but will come in as supportive roles.
The Lord said " I am introducing to many the order of the Apostle Paul." They will enter into the state and into vineyards where they had not sown or plowed. They will serve the Barnabas that can confirm and affirm their call, anointing, character and assignment. After a period of time of serving many of these leaders who left pastoring, revivals, traveling internationally, will enter back into lead roles. They will enter in serving and will be refreshing to those they are assigned to serve.
Many of these leaders have dug cisterns and pools of healing in other states and cities.
While praying for one Apostle on the phone as they had declared a move to Texas I had an open vision. I saw a very large angel standing with one foot in Texas and they other foot in the state that the Apostle currently operates in. I saw the Angel of the Lord take out His Sword and cut a grove in the ground from that state and cut all the way to Texas. A channel was made and the Lord said that they would not have to RE-DIG SPIRITUALLY. They were taking the RIVER of GOD with them.
I saw a TRANSFER from that state to Texas.
The Lord said He was gathering the NEW CLUSTERS TOGETHER.
The NEW and OLD Called out ones and sent ones MUST walk in Honor and Humility.
- 1 The preceding must honor the up and coming and honor those sent to help.
- 2 The preceding must acknowledge those who are fellow yolk men and not be intimidated
- 3 Those new to the region must honor those who have already laid years of ground work.
- 4 There must be GREAT HUMILITY in GROWING TOGETHER for the FRESH FLOW to CONTINUE to enter into many of the cities where prophets have been positioned by the Lord.
- The spirit of competition must be EXPOSED and driven out in order for the FULLNESS of the GLORY to enter in.
I also saw a very dark storm cloud and I heard the word "CRISIS ARISING." The Lord placed in my spirit that the state will need the humble anointed vessels to hold up the state in prayer, word and deed.
After visiting the state of Florida for Launch Conference with Apostle Jonas Clark in May I was stirred for the state. I saw things the Lord wanted to release to those who were Kingdom minded in Florida.
As I began to pray I heard the Lord say " Look deeper!" He then told me to look up the state bird.
Here is what I discovered.
The State bird for Florida is the Northern Mockingbird. Yet to my surprise this bird was not only the state bird for Florida but also for Texas.
As I began to look up the details of the Northern Mockingbird the Lord began to download to me.
I will give the traits and characteristics of this bird and then what the Lord showed me.
The name "Northern Mockingbird" means many tongued mimic. The northern mockingbird is known for its intelligence. A 2009 study showed that the bird was able to recognize individual humans, particularly noting those who had previously been intruders or threats.
Mockingbirds are bold in defense of their nests and territory and will attack intruders.
In a paper published in 2009, researchers found that mockingbirds were able to recall an individual human who, earlier in the study, had approached and threatened the mockingbirds' nest.
Researchers had one participant stand near a mockingbird nest and touch it, while others avoided the nest. Later, the mockingbirds recognized the intruder and exhibited defensive behavior, while ignoring the other individuals
Both male and female mockingbirds sing, with the latter being generally quieter and less vocal. Male commencement of singing is in late January to February and continues into the summer and the establishing of territory into the fall. Frequency in female singing is more sporadic, as it sings less often in the summer and fall, and only sings when the male is away from the territory. The mockingbird also possesses a large song repertoire that ranges from 43 to 203 song types and the size varies by region. Repertoire sizes ranged from 14 to 150 types in Texas, and two studies of mockingbirds in Florida rounded estimates to 134 and 200, approximately. It continually expands its repertoire during its life.
This is a short version of some of the traits and behaviors of the Northern Mockingbird.
I then heard these words. The mockery of the state of Florida was going to be strongly dealt with. That there had been a great mocking of the people of God, the Word of God and His Name and He was going to deal with this.
In the middle of this dealing He was raising up the worshipers who would have the Tongues of Angels and learn the Songs of Heaven. A Holy Remnant is rising and it is coming out of a people that many would least expect. I heard the Lord say that the Haitian community is releasing a cry in Florida. This sound of brokenness is being heard in the Kingdom and He is releasing to those who have no agenda. He is bypassing mainstream Christianity and many who think they are in the know. He is not into their shows.
There will be unadulterated worship like never before.
In the same way the sound of the Kingdom is being released in Florida so it is in Texas. Yet many will miss the sound that is being released because it is not their culture releasing it. Many Spanish speaking Christians are crying out in Texas and I AM has heard their cry.
The songs that they are learning is growing and it is having an impact in the region.
I heard the Lord say that the Humble and Honorable shall be able to stand against the enemy and mark them. They will drive out those who mess with the nest or home.
They will learn how to drive out intruders.
Both of these states were going to produce men and women of God who can accurately reproduce for the Glory. They will have the tongue of the learned.
This is why there has been a great cross pollination between the two states because it has been a great staging season.
There are three other states Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee that have the Mockingbird as their state bird, but I did not hear for those states.
I know much of what is written here could almost be applied anywhere.
I believe that the Lord reveals specific things to cause the one He revealed it to pray and share specifically for those places.
Why Now? Those birds have been the state birds for a long time.
I believe the Lord used a natural picture to reveal what He is building in these regions so we can continue to agree with Him.
In His Service,
Apostle Jesse
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