Thursday, October 1, 2020

From The Foot Up

The success of an Apostolic House is not about what is seen visibly.

It is about the private and secret functions that sets everything else in motion.
It is the solid and continual commitment to prayer, study of the Word, fasting, fellowship (breaking of bread), and keeping covenant that becomes the solid foundation. 
It is the sons of God being led by the Holy Spirit, teaching the Word, establishing the Kingdom in the hearts of men.

From what is done behind the scenes we see fruit that becomes visible.
Services, outreach, preaching, teaching, missions, helps, serving etc ...

Without a strong and solid foundation, the weight of any building will eventually collapse.

Many times, we are so concerned about the headship and the speaking part that we forget what it takes to undergird the upper part of the Body of Christ.

It takes a core to hold the body up. 
Core muscles in the stomach in front, sides and in the back hold up and stabilize the body.
Anything without a core cannot be held up.

Christ took 12 Apostles to make up a CORE TEAM FOR HIS BODY.
These 12 were to be used to stabilize and bring strength to the Body of Christ to continue to stand and go forth once He was gone. One defected leaving a vacancy that many would say either James or the Apostle Paul filled.

We need in our ministries a STRONG CORE to keep things upright and in place.

We are told to gird up our "loins" with the belt of truth. This area of the loins is also believed to be the place where our spirit and soul are housed in our body.
Truth guards and stabilizes the core so it can keep the rest of the body up.
Our legs must be able to hold the weight of the body above.
Broken and weak legs cannot move and carry weight.
From the foot up the body moves.
The head might think it, but the foot holds it, the leg moves it and the core stabilizes it.

When we ask for "Thy Kingdom Come" we are asking for the Basilea (The Kingdom)
Yet in order to have this movement in the Kingdom we must also have the Kings Foundation.
The foundation of Kingdom is Basis and it means to set the pace.
It is the same word only recorded once when the Apostles Peter and John healed the lame mans feet and ankles.
Here in Acts 3:7   And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet (basis) and ankle bones received strength

After being admonished about chastisement,, The Word says in Hebrews 12:12-13 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees;

 13  And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.

The Hebrews appeared to be slack in prayer and in dilegence to the Word of God. They were slow to respond to it.
The writer of Hebrews is saying to "lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees", is to be active in every duty; to be courageous against every enemy: to bear patiently every burden; to take heart, and be of good cheer under every affliction.

The Lord wants to heal so that the legs can hold up the Body and that the arms can continue to reach up and reach out.

From the foot up God wants to put His Body in order.
This is why even though He is the Head of the Church, He started at the feet of the Apostles when He washed their feet.
He started at the basis (feet). He did not start with the chief (head)
He started with what would secure the long lasting building up of His Body.

A NEW SEASON of serving is coming upon the Body to start from the foot up.
To heal the feet and ankles and strengthen the legs.
To make the loins and core strong again to hold the body up.
New strength for the arms that are hanging down feeling lifeless and useless.

Isaiah 35
 1  The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
 2  It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God. 
 3  Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.
 4  Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.

In His Love,
Jesse Griffin

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Social Media and Classroom Etiquette

Here are a few Etiquette Tips for Social Media and The Classroom to help the Saints.

When Leaders in Ministry share Word, Truth, Scripture or Revelation, it shows maturity to be able to FIRST LISTEN.

If we say a person is our Pastor, then it shows great honor to be able to stay our lane.

It then shows maturity to be able to respond to what our leader is saying, sharing or preaching that compliments their original teaching or thought.
If the person is not our pastor or a leader to us, it still shows humility to honor their postion as such.

Immaturity hears what it wants to hear and then says what it wants to say.

It is not proper protocol to try and change the topic or subject that set leadership has set before the people.
This applies online or in a classroom.

That is not to say an individual does not have a mind, a voice or insight of their own.
It does mean though that proper timing and forum must be set for a correct release.
Kingdom Order identifies and releases people with revelation through authority so they can be received by others.

Rejection will begin to try a forced presentation of revelation causing more rejection.
Many times a quenching or grieving can be felt in the spirit.
See me hear me.
The oneup showmanship should have no place in the Children of God.
I have watched individuals try to outdo eachother from encounters to revelation.

Someone say Rejection amd Pride must go.

We are in a season of strong delusion and rebellion.
We are in an hour of great selfwill.

One way to protect ourself is to find the pattern of honor, spiritual protocols and authority. 

Developing Covenant and relationship can create oppurtunity to share when trust, faithfulness and fruit has been developed or displayed.

One area that shows immaturity is the inability to see what has been taught or shared and agree with it.
Especially when it is 100% Scripture.

To many times Word is dropped and instead of the power of agreement individuals are quick to interject their thoughts and opinions without any agreement or compliment.

This behavior reveals rejection, pride, selfishness, selfcenteredness, control and even at times witchcraft.

When was the last time we told our Pastor or leader that what they preached or taught really helped us?
Did we even listen to what they said?
Did it go in one ear and out the other?
Did we let the Seed Word of Truth enter our heart?
Did we take notes and go back over them?

Or were the defenses up so high nothing they said registered?

Why go to church, Bible Study or watch anointed leaders online just to debate and quarrel with them?

Why do so many follow them to just pick out what they do not agree with?
Does this not reveal another spirit, heart and character that is not the nature of Christ?

If we have more knowledge or revelation, we need to be humble and sow encouragement to those leaders.
Remember revelation has power but that does not mean one has a position of Authority.

One way to be in authority is to be in agreement with authority in regards to Sound Doctrine and Vision.

On Facebook or in the Classroom

1. Listen.
2. Take Notes
3. Connect with the teaching
4. Respond honorably to the one teaching, instructing, preaching etc...
5. Compliment the lesson (when in Bible Study)with Scripture that supports the original teaching.
6. Keep it around the point of focus.
7. Do not change the topic, interject our opinion, favorite flavor or latest revelation. This quenches the flow and the anointing if the point one makes is not in alignment to the instructors.
Wait for leadership to open oppurtunity to share freely.
8. Do not bring contention because we feel the lesson wasn't deep enough for us.
Find what we can agree with and honor. We must Be grateful especially if it was all truth.
9. Do not attack whether on Facebook or in a classroom.
If there is a disagreement learn to ask why a person believes or teaches what they do. Healthy communication could bring about   an oppurtunity to sow our revelation.
Teachers and preachers often change their doctrinal understanding as they mature.
Also attacking creates division and confusion.
10. Ask questions appropriate to the specific topic at that time.
11. Other questions or comments need to be put on hold until the an open question and answer time is presented.
12. Do not just try to prove a point
13. Love, honor and and stay humble.

In His Love,

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Leaven of Herod

Mark 8:15  And he charged them, (the Apostles) saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.

We are about to see the leaven of Herod come to full manifestation in the Church and the world.

There is an absolute separation coming between the carnal believer and the Holy Spirit filled Saint.

What is the Leaven of Herod?
In a nutshell, it is holding civil law above moral law.

As believers and followers of Christ, we will be challenged on where we place our faith, trust and obedience.

Herod held to Roman Law and enforced it upon the land. It did not matter if civil law transgressed moral law.
All that mattered was the enforcement of it.

Many Pharisees appealed to the established law of the Romans and Herod to overthrow Christ.
This here is the mixture between the Divine and the Carnal.

There are defining moments that will prove the real from the false.

Are we listening to the ones who profess to see but are really blind?
These are the ones who lead the people into a ditch.

These type of religious leaders with wrong motives and political ties actually lead their followers into an unclean place.

Or are we following those that actually see and are working to implement Kingdom Principals in the Governments of this world?

One will compromise for position, power, influence and gain.
The other will hold it's ground to stand for truth rather than fall for a lie and serve ungodliness.

The political spirit and the Holy Spirit are not the same.

One is secularism and serves flesh and selfish ambitions.It serves to establish man naturally and temporarily.

The other is spiritual and serves as a representative of the Creator to His Glory and Eternal Majesty. The Holy Spirit serves to lead humanity into a spiritual and eternal establishment.

One is carnal and can become backed by  demonic infiltration.

The other serves to establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of man.

One serves to establish the one world government.

The other works to convict us to run far from its grip.


Be Wise / Discern / Pray / Repent

In His Love,

#KingdomReign #LeavenofHerod

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tell Your Story

To not tell our story is to rob the Lord of His Glory.

2Co 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 

To hide the Gospel and what the Lord has done for us keeps others in darkness.
It robs people from hearing the testimony of the Gospel and it robs God of His Glory.

The word hid has the root word kalupto which means to hinder the knowledge of a thing. 

It is a compound of other words.

The word klepto meaning to steal like a thief or to steal, and the word krupto, under concealment.

When we hide the Gospel we literally become thieves. We rob people of the opportunity to see the Light and we rob God of His Glory.

Matthew  5:14  Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

The word hid here is krupto or concealed.

Notice the Lord says YOU are the LIGHT of the WORLD!! A city on a hill CANNOT be hid.

He goes on to say the purpose of light in Matthew 5:15
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light unto all that are in the house.

Both a hill and a candlestick represent exalted or lifted up places.

When we got filled with the Holy Spirit we were filled with Fire and Glory. 
The Lord owns the hills and He is the One that raises the candlestick up.

The Lord lifts us up so we can shine everywhere. To run from the Lord raising us up is to deny Him the opportunity to shine through us. We are to be Light so people can see. What place has God called us to Light up?

Matthew 5:16  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Let us not hide our Gospel from men.
Let us not deny the Lord His Glory.


In His Love,
Jesse Griffin

Friday, February 7, 2020

Keys To The Kingdom

When we say the words "key" or "keys," it creates the imagery of a key that is used that fits into a lock. As we know, locks are used to secure something in or keep something out.

In order to open that which is locked, there must be a key or granted authorization to open up what is closed.

We secure our personal possessions every day. From money, valuables, cars and our homes. We work hard to protect them. In order to gain entry to our protected property, we use passwords, remotes, alarms, keys and special codes.

When we read the Word of God, we see references to "KEYS". One of the most well known verses comes from Matthew 16:19, "And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in heaven."

In this passage, Christ is telling Peter "I will give to you, Peter, the Keys of the Kingdom." When the Lord speaks these words, He was not yet able to give Peter those keys, as He still needed to go to the cross to pay for the sins of mankind. The death, burial and resurrection still had to happen. In order for this authority to be released, Christ had to descend, resurrect, and ascend.

In my opinion, Matthew 16:19 is one of the most misquoted verses of the Bible. Many tend to teach this as a warfare scripture. This passage is actually about teaching and preaching.

It was a Rabbinical commissioning to preachers that gave them the right to teach others. In this, they were given the right to teach what was prohibited and what was permitted. What they would teach would trigger a response from the Kingdom and would be mirrored in Heaven.

Many understand this to mean the ability to open or shut the door on who could or could not enter into the House of the Lord. In the same way the saved can enter the Kingdom, the unsaved are locked out.

It is the governing authority of The Kingdom being instituted to the Church.
According to Isaiah 22:22, The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; So he shall open, and no one shall shut; And he shall shut, and no one shall open.
Revelation 3:7 also says,
 "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, 'These things says He who is holy, He who is true, "He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens".

This is a governing scripture that reveals the ability to open and shut doors.

In ancient times, a key was not just a key like we think of today. It was actually similar to a plaque that was carried upon the shoulder that the individual carrying was an authorized governing official. They had the authority to walk about and enter in and out of places, because they bore the seal of the king or the government they represented.

We will see in a moment that Christ bore the government upon His shoulder. As He carried the cross and won the victory, He grants and gives permission to His followers and called ones to carry the government too.

The word "key" in Isaiah 22:22 is the word "mapteach" it literally means "an opener."

It is the same word to describe the responsibility of the Levites to open the temple in 1 Chronicles 9:27.  And they (Levites) lodged all around the house of God because they had the responsibility, and they were in charge of opening (mapteach) it every morning.

We do not just have the charge to open up the house of the Lord, but we are to open up the Kingdom of God.

When we make mention of the word "kingdom", we can generate a different thought based on culture and where we were born and raised.
In the general sense of the word "kingdom", it means a country, state, or territory ruled by a king or queen.

The Apostle Peter was told he would receive keys to the "Kingdom". What are these keys and to what extent are they to be used? What were they to be used for? What was Peter going to be authorized to unlock?

All human governments have terms that define positions of authority and the boundaries or extent of their rule. They are to understand extent and limitations of their authority.

We must understand that we can overreach our boundaries when it comes to power and authority. At the same time though, many never exercise faith to begin to demonstrate what they have been given. They are coming up short of the fullness of potential, because of a lack of understanding.

We have natural governments and authorities that we can see. However, as the Church, we must grow in an understanding of The Kingdom of God. It is an Authority that is unseen, but can be felt.

At its very best, human efforts at governing come up short. It is flawed because of the fall of man. Even the most brilliant minds cannot carnally put into place what is spiritually needed for the sake of humanity.

In the Book of Isaiah, we catch a glimpse into the role of Christ in the Earth in regards to the Kingdom of God:

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

In verse 6, we see that this prophecy is about the coming Redeemer.
Isaiah releases names and character traits that define who He is. In verse 7, we see the results of Him conquering the grave.

Isaiah prophesies the promise of the increase of His government and peace. One thing that human government is unable to do is bring about permanent and eternal peace.

The government of The King of kings creates peace, because it is founded upon the sacrifice and the atonement of the Lamb that breaks down the middle wall of partition. For the repentant and those that confess Him, the enmity has been destroyed. The handwriting on the wall against us has been removed. We can now celebrate Him and each other.

The result of conquering over hell and death is that there will be a release of power into His government. His Kingdom will advance, go forth, multiply, and it will increase. Where does this increase take place? It is happening in the Earth - in the heart of mankind. In His Government, there shall be no end. It is Eternal.

This victory will establish authority on the throne of David. The lineage of the tribe of Judah will rise, roar and rule. Those that connect with the Savior are now part of an unstoppable eternal Kingdom. We feel and see the rule of His authority and Government.

How do we feel and see the impact of this Kingdom? The impact is felt and seen when the principles of its Government is received among men.

The purpose of this is to bring order by establishing The Kingdom with judgment and justice.
When we read Matthew 6:33, it says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

We are to seek after the Kingdom first and His righteousness.

When we say "Kingdom", we are speaking about:
1.    The Rule
2.    The Realm
3.    The Royalty
4.    The Reign of the King

When we seek righteousness, we are asking for that which is morally correct. We are asking for that which lines up with Christ. We are asking for the Law and the Law Giver. We are asking for the Word: The One who came in the Flesh. We are crying out and yearning for that which represents His nature. We are saying, "King of the universe, give to me Your character, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, justice, mercy and righteousness."

When Christ came, He said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me."
When Christ laid down His life, it was for the purpose of Him becoming "The Key" that unlocks access to The Father.

Who was this key for?

This key or revelation was to bring the unsaved into the understanding of who Jesus is, and what He had done on their behalf.
Luke 16:16 says, The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it.

He became "The Key" and then distributed keys to His Apostles.
That same anointing is still available to the Church today.

What keys did Christ give?

He gave the Keys of revealing the Gospel of Good News. The ability to reveal Himself and His work on the cross. This ability is given to reveal Christ to the world and unsaved. Once individuals can see, then The Lord can begin to build them and place them in His Body.  Matthew 16:18 says, "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."

The Church becomes the increase of the government of God and peace on the Earth. She becomes the visible and tangible existence of the Kingdom operating before mankind.

In the Upper Room, in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit poured out filling the apostles and all who were present. Once this new power and assurance was in and upon them, they began to understand all that had been prophesied and spoken to them. They were now ready to unlock the Kingdom to the world.

Opening the Kingdom to the Jews   

In Acts 2, it is Peter who explains to the Jews that King Jesus is on the throne, and that in Him and in all who believe in Him, the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived (Acts 2:30-36). Peter explains in his sermon that the coming of the Holy Spirit indicates that the rule of God on Earth had arrived (Acts 2:17-21). Peter indicates later that he knows this message will be spread further, to those who are afar off, to whomever God may call (Acts 2:39).

Opening the Kingdom to the Samaritans                                                   

 In Acts 8, Philip, one of the early church leaders, preaches the gospel to the Samaritans, and, right in line with the statement from Jesus about the church storming the gates of hell, unclean spirits are cast out of people, and the lame are healed (Acts 8:7).
When the apostles in Jerusalem hear about this, they send Peter and John to Samaria. Why? To use the keys of the kingdom to open the gates of hell which imprison the Samaritans. This is exactly what Peter does in Acts 8:17, with the laying on of hands so that the Samaritans also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Opening the Kingdom to the Gentiles                                                          
 Finally, Peter opens the door to the Gentiles in Acts 10:24-48. A Gentile named Cornelius summons Peter, and after Peter explains the gospel to him and his family, they believe, and the Holy Spirit comes upon them all just as it did with the Jews and with the Samaritans.

Peter had used the "Keys" of the Kingdom he was given. Do we?
Matthew 28:18 says, And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on Earth.
 19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
 20 "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.

Before we can receive The Kingdom of God, we must pass through the Lamb. We must walk through the Door and enter the Way. We then embrace the Truth which allows us to fully receive Life.

We read in the Book of revelation Christ's declaration of victory.
Revelation 1:18 "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.

The Keys of the Kingdom are given to open up the mystery of who Jesus is. He wants every person to escape the prison of Hell and the affects of sin that leads to death.

Romans 16:25 says,  Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began.

The revelation of Jesus had been locked away or shut up. It had been "kept secret". This term literally means kept silent or to shut the mouth.
Now that Christ fulfilled His work on the cross, the Holy Spirit has been given and full access has been granted.

As believers, we are not called to be silent, but to boldly open our mouths as led by the Holy Spirit to bear witness of Him.
When we do this, we point the way to Christ who grants access to the Father. When we receive salvation, we receive the Kingdom.

Let us make sure we are mobilized and not paralyzed.
We must become completely set on fire by the revelation of who Christ is. In the days when Messiah walked the Earth, many were blind and could not see Him or His mission. Many became a hindrance to those who wanted to enter into the Kingdom.

Luke 11:52 says, "Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered."

Use the Keys of the Kingdom!

In His Service,
Apostle Jesse Griffin
Kingdom Reign International Ministries