Monday, February 28, 2022

The River Ahava

You can return to your land. This was the release of Cyrus decree to the Jews after the Babylonian Captivity. Unfortunately most chose to remain in Babylon. 
A remnant though decided to make their way home where they belonged.

Upon their return to Jerusalem after captivity there were still dangers around for the Jews.

The enemy does not want us to return to where we belong.
There is a place that is rightfully ours.
We must be courageous to press toward it for ourselves and for the next generation.

Ezra 8: 21  Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek of him a straight way for us, and for our little ones, and for all our substance.

 22  For I was ashamed to ask of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way, because we had spoken to the king, saying, “The hand of our God is on all those who seek him, for good; but his power and his wrath is against all those who forsake him.”

 23  So we fasted and begged our God for this: and he was entreated of us.

We see that they had made such a boast in the Lord that they did not want to pull on man and earthly resources.

What happened at the river caused desperation to put a demand on God.

We see God answered them.

The River Ahava
Ahava - one definition is to subsist.
Meaning I (we) will maintain or support oneself, especially at a minimal level.

When we fast we are showing that none of our reliance is in ourselves.
We are calling and crying out

Ahava also means essence, generation.

Essence - the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something that determines its character.

We have times where our faith is challenged to the highest. Fasting can help fortify us in the right character by afflicting ourselves before the Lord.

When our love for Him is tried we cry out to Him. He reminds us He is still there. 

We are to love the Lord with all your heart. "Ahavah" means "love" in Hebrew, and at its most basic level, it means to have affection toward someone. But biblically speaking, love is more than sentiment—it is also action. In the Shema, Israel is supposed to respond to God's love by showing love to him in return.

Deuteronomy 6:4  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

5  And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Deuteronomy 7:8 But because the LORD loved (ahavah) you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, has the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

Many times we read all through out scrilture that the favor a people or person received was because of His love. He pours out His love on others because of the Love and promises He made to them. Solomon received from the Lord because of what his father David had.

In the same way we receive from the Father because of the finished work of Christ.

Our response to Him loving us is to love Him and others.

We know the proof of our love for God is how we love others.

The root of Ahavah is Ahav meaning to give.

Christ came to give His life for us. We too are to learn how to give ours for others.

In His Love,


Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Power of Humility

Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the lowly is wisdom.

Humility is a posture that is a requirement in order to receive anything authentically from the Kingdom.
Whether it be from the Word, the Holy Spirit and or the gifts and anointing of others.

Humility gives power to lock us into God and His promises, where as pride has the power to lock us out.
When pride sets in the more judgmental and critical a person becomes. When this happens, they will fail to honor other people for their authority, wisdom, gifts, anointing and accomplishments.
This results in being locked out from the potential in others.

A person with a prideful spirit wants what others has, but has no ability to obtain it through humility. It has a need to be in control and in charge causing them an inability to humble down to receive genuinely what they are in need of.

Many times pride and control will try to force things to happen that would flow naturally had humility been part of the persons character. 
Pride and control has no ability to enjoy genuine relationships because something is wrong with every person and everyone does something that irritates them. This nitpicking attitude constantly sees the wrong and misses the positive benefits from relationships.

Having a spirit of humility, grace and honor is key in being able to receive what others carry. Whether a person is a recognized leader, in leadership, aspiring leader, an acquaintance or friend, the authority and anointing that that person carries can only be authentically accessed through honor and respect.

When we properly identify Christ, we become recipients of who He is by the Honor and Revelation we place on Him.
We receive His salvation and everything that Salvation carries with it including wisdom, knowledge, authority, power, healing, anointing and deliverance.

The term Messiah, Christos or Anointed One is a term that describes who He is. Luke 2:11
Because of who He is, it is this confession that allows what is on Him to flow upon us through humility and honor.Matthew 16:17
It is a supernatural unlocking of the Divine into our lives that can come by no other way than through the Revelation of who the Son of God is.
Christ Himself has taken captivity captive and He received gifts from among men including the rebellious. Psalm 68:18 Eph 4:11-12
He redistributed these gifts He had received and gave them to man. These gifts are the anointed five-fold ministers that are all over the world.
A person could have a desperate need and due to an inability to discern and honor, not tap into the potential that is sitting right next to them.
A critical attitude will minimize the person right in front of them that could offer a solution to their condition.
Pride locks the person out from receiving the very thing they are in need of.
The spirit of rejection will also work with being critical and will devalue every person they meet.
This critical analysis of every person causes an invisible barrier of resistance and resentment.
It is a slow form of self destruction of push pull behavior that grasps at everybody while pushing everyone away.

How our pursuit is in regards to our needs determines how we will receive.
Whether we sow in humility and honor or 
in pride and dishonor determines what we will receive in the end.

Do not become your own stronghold due to pride and control.

Colassians 3:12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on hearts of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,
1Peter 5:5 Likewise, you younger, be subject unto the elder. Yea, all of you gird yourselves with humility, to serve one another: for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time;
7 casting all your anxiety upon him, because he cares for you.

In His Love,
Jesse Griffin 

What DIMS us?

The enemy is a master at keeping people bound, ignorant and in the dark.

It is time to let the LIGHT shine!!

Breaking free from strongholds and strongmen is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage, faith, and the strength of God.
We must deal with what DIMS us.

Domination, Intimidation, Manipulation and Seduction.
These are all works of the flesh and can also be demonically induced.

Domination- the exercise of control or influence over someone or something, or the state of being so controlled.

Intimidation-  to make timid or fearful

Manipulation- Manipulation is the exercise of harmful influence over others. People who manipulate others attack their mental and emotional sides to get what they want. ... But manipulation is defined as any attempt to sway someone's emotions to get them to act or feel a certain way.

Seduction- 1 : to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty. 2 : to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises. 3 : to carry out the physical seduction of : entice to sexual intercourse. 4 : attract.

This type of operation is witchcraft.
According to Galatians 5:20 part of witchcraft is poisoning, idolatry and seduction. 

Witchcraft works against the Spirit Filled believer to keep them from being established in Covenant with Christ. No solid walk, no authority in the Earth to represent the Kingdom.

Galataians 3:1  O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?

Bewitched- to fascinate through false representation.

The enemy wants to be the head and in charge.
The battle for the HIGH PLACES can be found throughout the Word of God.
He will do anything and everything to keep us from being an overcomer.

 Revelation 2:26  And he that overcomes, and keeps my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

Overcomers Govern Nations

Pythos works to have the preeminence and is witchcraft. It is the contender against the Kingdom of God from fully manifesting.
It will mock, scoff and slander the anointed as it did the Apostles in Acts 16:16

The enemy works to vex and oppress men and women of God in many different levels. This is to keep spiritual freedom and authority from fully operating..
When we read about Elijah, his nemesis was Jezebel. One prophet against 450 false prophets. She pronounced a death sentence that made Elijah flee to the cave.
The enemy will always work to find him a mouthpiece to speak and dominate those God wants to use.

The goal is to silence the authentic voice of God from speaking. To paralyze the only source that has the authority to deal with its ungodly roots.

God needed Jezebel and the false prophets out of the way as He wanted to restore Israel.
We see witchcraft in Revelation 2:18 to the church of Thyatira.

The woman Jezebel is recorded as being told she CALLED HERSELF a PROPHETESS and she was allowed to operate unrestrained.

God used John on the Isle of Patmos to write a message to the conduct of that of the leadership,, the woman and the people.

These acts included
1. Idolatry (spiritual fornication) 
2. Fornication (natural and spiritual) 
Lust, unchaste Sex, ungodly appetites.
3. False Doctrine
4. False Prophecy
5. False Authority
6. Deception & Seduction
7. Unauthorized Relationships
8. Adultery 

As hard as this might be to accept, these things were operating in the Church and in believers.

When witchcraft enters into the life of a person, it is full of all kinds of rebellion, perversion, lust, idolatry, fornication and adultery. 

The results and the fruit of it can be seen 
1. Death
2. Sickness
3. Perverting of Others
4. Lack of Repentance
5. False Doctrines
6. Doctrines of Devils
7. Tribulation

Like a bug in a spiderweb, those under the mesmerizing of witchcraft have no avenue of escape.
While under witchcraft the people are never offered healing or hope for a future of there own.
Only a position for a loyalty to their false authority.

Christ came to set the captives free.
Through power of the redemptive work on the Cross and the authority the Father gives through Christ liberty and deliverance is possible.

Acts 10:38   How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. 

Whether we are doing it, under it,  or around it, God wants us free, healed and clean.

We must:

1. Repent (from all sin, iniquity, trespass)
2. Renounce (divorce it)
3. Return (to God)
4. Reconcile (with God and others)
5. Recover (self be healed, heal others)
6. Restore (material goods, even to others)
7. Refresh (recapture God's Life and Breath)
8. Repeat (help others)

Break the power of seducing spirits and lies.
Here is a few lies to break.

1. There is no hell.
2. You won't die.
3. You have time
4. God is holding you back
5. It is to hard to serve God
6. Church is full of hypocrites.
7. It won't be worth it
8. God doesn't love you


In His Love Get Free Saints!
Jesse Griffin
#KingdomReign #GetSetFree #NoJezebelWitchcraft #IWontBeSeduced #BreakTheLies

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


One of the hardest individuals to deal with is one with a REPROBATE MIND.  

Many times this type have had encounters and knowledge of the Lord but did not allow Holiness to become a part of their daily lifestyle.

They did not fully and unconditionally love the Lord.
Without unconditional love operating offence sets in and Christ now becomes their stumbling stone and rock of offence.

Because they have knowledge they will debate.

Because they at one point knew the Lord they will speak on times past.

Because they love pleasures more than the Lord they draw others into lust instead of holiness.

They will display knowledge in a loud boasting more than a display of living that knowledge.

They live in torment having been handed over to a debased mind and way of living.

They hold the truth in unrighteousness.
They do not Glorify the Lord.
They are unthankful.
They do not like to retain God in their knowledge, 

They are given over to a reprobate mind.

Reprobate -not standing the test, not approved
properly used of metals and coins.
that which does not prove itself such as it ought
unfit, unapproved, that is, rejected ; by implication worthless (literally or morally): - castaway, rejected.
Jeremiah 6:30 speaks of Reprobate Silver.
It represents the inability or unwillingness to separate from the baser things to become refined and purified.
It becomes unprofitable because it is mixed with contaminated metals 

They do those things which are not convenient.
Meaning those things that are not fit, lawful or lined up with the Ways of the Lord.
They are filled with all unrighteousness.
They are filled with fornication

They are filled with wickedness.
They are filled with covetousness.
They are filled with maliciousness.
They are full of envy.
They are full of murder.
They are full of debate.
They are full of  deceit.

They are full of malignity.
Meaning bad character, depravity of heart and life

They are whisperers,
They are Backbiters.
They are haters of God.
They are despiteful.
They are proud.
They are boasters.
They are inventors of evil things.
They are disobedient to parents.

They are without understanding.
They become covenantbreakers.
The are without natural affection.
They are implacable.
Meaning they cannot be persuaded to enter into a covenant.
Literally Aspondos meaning without the Alpha.
They are unmerciful.

Use wisdom as this type will speak the TRUTH but with malicious intentions.

We must discern if an individual has been handed over to wrath. 

 Romans 1:18  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

It is possible to experience liberty by repenting and maintaining a daily walk with Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

1. Repent 2. Renounce 3. Return 4. Reconcile 5. Refresh 6. Restored 7. Repeat

In His Service,
Jesse Griffin
Kingdom Reign International Ministries. 

Romans 1:18-32

Husbands In Christ

Dear Husbands In Christ,
If you do not rescue your wife who will?
When our wife is down, hurt, struggling, under pressure, tempted, confused, seeking, praying, remembering etc .. as husband are we standing and undergirding her?
When the pressures of mother are weighing on her, do we see her struggle to be everything the children need in strength, wisdom, presence, and love?  
Do we step-in to help her help the children through admonishment and exhortation? Do we impart love, hope and wisdom to help her be her best when she really wants to go to sleep?
When she is feeling the weight to be a wife to us her husband do we understand she is being pulled in a bunch of directions at the same time? When she is fulfilling one duty she is unable to complete another. She wants to spend time with us, but when time arrives she is spent. Are we selfish and become angry or do we have compassion knowing she is being a mother and a nurturer to her children.
She goes from child to child meeting needs.
She works a job that is demanding and already comes home spent. She then comes and gives what little energy she has left to her family.
At the end of the day she has nothing left for herself.
As a husband, do we step in to give our wife a break? Do we cook for her and the family at times to give her some down time?
If finance allows, do we buy some of her favorite food from the restaraunt?
Do we clean the house? Do we do the laundry?
Have we inquired how we can bring comfort and life to our wife? Do we do any of the grocery shopping? What about taking the kids fo a few hours so she can get a few hours of needed sleep?
If we have not yet learned how to serve our wife and family as men, we are unfit to serve the Lord's Body.
How we treat our wife and children in secret will eventually reveal how we will serve in the public.
I personally have seen men get upset when God steps in to hear the cries of the married woman because they didn't do what they should to love their wife.
This God kind of Love is a higher love and requires greater action for its affects to be felt and embodied in our wives.
Do we minister to our wife? Have we ever washed their feet? Do we anoint and pray in the Holy Spirit over our family? Do we invite the Lord in to bless, touch, heal, deliver and provide for our wife in the ways we at times cannot?
Don't settle for being mediocre in this area. Many times they are drowning in concern, worry and sorrow but never express it.
Have we asked our wife what bothers her?
Have we asked her what can we do better? What about becoming vulnerable to let her express herself to say you hurt me? 
Have we taken a look at our own attitude and words we speak to our wife and kids?
Is there enough humility to tell her I am sorry and apologize?
Do we support her dreams, vision and calling? Have we given room for the areas God wants to work in her life, will and heart?
Have we surrendered selfishness to point we are more ready to serve than be served?

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can learn how to stop, listen and become the blessing our wife needs.

The Bible calls the woman the weaker vessel. 
Not because women cannot be strong, but because men are to have strength in areas a woman does not possess.
1 Peter 3:7
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

One area is that a man is to cover his wife and family. Although husband and wife work together for the best interest of the family, the wife needs to have her safe place in her husband.
The word says that when it comes to the woman that her desire shall be for her husband.
Genesis 3:16 the word desire means she shall long for and stretch out after.

Husbands, don't allow anger, impatience, frustration to set in to the point we treat our wife in a way it causes her to be repelled.

Fight the temptations of lust of the eye and lust of the flesh to look at or desire other women.
Break the power of fantasy men.

Ask the Lord to strengthen your connection with your wife. 
The enemy in the beginning destroyed the union between husband and wife. The power of redemption not only will save our soul, but works to redeem and heal our families.

As a husband take the challenge to become God's man for your family.

Allow the Holy Spirit to bring inspection to reveal where there is a need for more grace, patience, love, understanding and how to redeem time with our wife and family.

In His Love,
Jesse Griffin 
Kingdom Reign International Ministries.