Dear Husbands In Christ,
If you do not rescue your wife who will?
When our wife is down, hurt, struggling, under pressure, tempted, confused, seeking, praying, remembering etc .. as husband are we standing and undergirding her?
When the pressures of mother are weighing on her, do we see her struggle to be everything the children need in strength, wisdom, presence, and love?
Do we step-in to help her help the children through admonishment and exhortation? Do we impart love, hope and wisdom to help her be her best when she really wants to go to sleep?
When she is feeling the weight to be a wife to us her husband do we understand she is being pulled in a bunch of directions at the same time? When she is fulfilling one duty she is unable to complete another. She wants to spend time with us, but when time arrives she is spent. Are we selfish and become angry or do we have compassion knowing she is being a mother and a nurturer to her children.
She goes from child to child meeting needs.
She works a job that is demanding and already comes home spent. She then comes and gives what little energy she has left to her family.
At the end of the day she has nothing left for herself.
As a husband, do we step in to give our wife a break? Do we cook for her and the family at times to give her some down time?
If finance allows, do we buy some of her favorite food from the restaraunt?
Do we clean the house? Do we do the laundry?
Have we inquired how we can bring comfort and life to our wife? Do we do any of the grocery shopping? What about taking the kids fo a few hours so she can get a few hours of needed sleep?
If we have not yet learned how to serve our wife and family as men, we are unfit to serve the Lord's Body.
How we treat our wife and children in secret will eventually reveal how we will serve in the public.
I personally have seen men get upset when God steps in to hear the cries of the married woman because they didn't do what they should to love their wife.
This God kind of Love is a higher love and requires greater action for its affects to be felt and embodied in our wives.
Do we minister to our wife? Have we ever washed their feet? Do we anoint and pray in the Holy Spirit over our family? Do we invite the Lord in to bless, touch, heal, deliver and provide for our wife in the ways we at times cannot?
Don't settle for being mediocre in this area. Many times they are drowning in concern, worry and sorrow but never express it.
Have we asked our wife what bothers her?
Have we asked her what can we do better? What about becoming vulnerable to let her express herself to say you hurt me?
Have we taken a look at our own attitude and words we speak to our wife and kids?
Is there enough humility to tell her I am sorry and apologize?
Do we support her dreams, vision and calling? Have we given room for the areas God wants to work in her life, will and heart?
Have we surrendered selfishness to point we are more ready to serve than be served?
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can learn how to stop, listen and become the blessing our wife needs.
The Bible calls the woman the weaker vessel.
Not because women cannot be strong, but because men are to have strength in areas a woman does not possess.
1 Peter 3:7
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
One area is that a man is to cover his wife and family. Although husband and wife work together for the best interest of the family, the wife needs to have her safe place in her husband.
The word says that when it comes to the woman that her desire shall be for her husband.
Genesis 3:16 the word desire means she shall long for and stretch out after.
Husbands, don't allow anger, impatience, frustration to set in to the point we treat our wife in a way it causes her to be repelled.
Fight the temptations of lust of the eye and lust of the flesh to look at or desire other women.
Break the power of fantasy men.
Ask the Lord to strengthen your connection with your wife.
The enemy in the beginning destroyed the union between husband and wife. The power of redemption not only will save our soul, but works to redeem and heal our families.
As a husband take the challenge to become God's man for your family.
Allow the Holy Spirit to bring inspection to reveal where there is a need for more grace, patience, love, understanding and how to redeem time with our wife and family.
In His Love,
Jesse Griffin
Kingdom Reign International Ministries.
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