Thursday, November 17, 2022

Take The Test

Take the Test

It is always good to do a self evaluation..
One area I am always inspecting is pride.

The Word is clear

Pro 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

We do well to learn from the Word and avoid pitfalls clearly defined as such.

The Holy Spirit has been sent to assist us and make us into overcomers.

Before looking at someone else in identifying these traits of pride, go grab a mirror.

Leviathan is the king of the children of pride.

Job 41:34  He beholds all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.

I know I have had to repent of many of these traits of pride and get right with the Lord and people.

Pride will not yield where there is
*True Glory
*True Kingdom Authority
*Strong Leadership
*Authentic Anointing
*A place that brings Biblical correction.
*Spirit of Holiness
*It cannot yield and serve unless it has a position.
*It preys on weak leaders
*Uses revelation to elevate itself instead of fruit of the Spirit.
*Uses money, power and influence to attract and draw people to themself instead of Christ.
*Chases money, power and preeminence.
*Must be dominate and working to be on top of others.
*Refuses to make covenant that requires accountability and inspection.
*It is an Oath, Vow and Covenant breaker
*Above the Law of God
*Above the law of man
*Always right
*Never apologizes.
*False Repentance
*False Humility
*Trapped by worldly sorrow
*Sorry I got caught not that I did it attitude.
*Stiff Necked 
*Hard Hearted
*Self Righteous 
*Holier Than Thou Attitude
*Fault Finding
*Lofty Looks
*Self Centered
*Pat My own back
*Feeds on self praise
*Self Idolatry
*Self,  Race or Culture is supreme
*Twists truth to own advantage
*False Charm 
*False Compliments
*Pierces to destroy others
*Makes crooked paths
*Brings  confusion
*Disrupts peace

Pride is concerned about who is right,
Humility is concerned about what is right 

In His Service,
Jesse Griffin 


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Prophets: Subjected, Serving the Lord, His Body and Leadership

Prophets: Subjected, Serving the Lord, His Body and Leadership

One of the challenges facing ministries everywhere is the mindset of entitlement.

Many are called, but few are chosen. 
Matthew 24:14

There is a prevalent mindset that says, "because I am called, I have a right."

In the Kingdom, that is not true.

Having revelation or a call does not grant immediate permission to speak, teach or do anything in the Body of Christ.

One cannot become chosen without submission.

Any individual that is going to lead the Body of Christ, must first serve the Body of Christ.

Lone rangers, shot gun prophets, shooting star prophets, vagabonds, drifters, gypsies and nomad prophets are not the modern expression of prophets in the Ekklesia.

To often individuals with high prophetic gifting or called as prophets want to prophesy and run away.
They want to tell the Body what to do, but are not willing to associate with and serve the local assembly.
The role of accountability in the Kingdom does  not allow this type of behavior.

The Word says 1  Corinthians 12:30  If any thing be revealed to another that sits by, let the first hold his peace.

 31  For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.

 32  And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.

Verse 32 states that the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
This passage has been improperly interpreted by many to show that the person who wants to prophesy must subject their own spirit to themselves and show restraint.

Yet, that does not reveal the intentions of the writer. What this shows is what was similar to the school of prophets where they yielded to one another.
In this case, each prophet was accountable to his counterparts and co-laborers to allow humility to operate.
This allows proper protocol for each person to prophesy as the Lord reveals revelation to each prophet. They are subject to each other and to the Holy Spirit.

Subject here means to place in an arranged order.

to arrange under, to subordinate
to subject, put in subjection
to subject one's self, obey
to submit to one's control
to yield to one's admonition or advice
to obey, be subject

Strong's Definition: From G5259 and G5021; to subordinate ; reflexively to obey: - be under obedience (obedient), put under, subdue unto, (be, make) subject (to, unto), be (put) in subjection (to, under), submit self unto.

It is the same word translated as submit in James 4:7
 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

One must find themselves in the proper arranged order as set by God and led by the Holy Spirit.

When we speak of the prophetic, this references gifting. This usuly stays in the realm of edification,  exhortation and comfort.

When we speak of prophets, these are governing offices. These set in place doctrine and order. They give instructions and direction.

The authority in these functions are totally on different levels.

Paul says let the spirits of the prophets be subject to the prophets.

In this then we need to find out if these offices have been set by God according to 1Corinthians 12: 28  And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

If these offices have been called and set by God, then they must become subject.

Some reasons prophets refuse to become part of the local assembly include:

1. Pride
2. Rejection
3. Preeminence
4. Impatience
5. Selfishness
6. Irresponsible 
7. Lack of Maturity
8. Wounds from previous leaders or family 
9. Rebellion
10. Critical spirit
11. Offense
12. Holier than thou attitude 
13.Wrong understanding of office

We could keep listing.

This list could apply to any office or person.

If we are called, then who are serving?

If we are not in place, how can we become  chosen while housing disobedience and rebellion?
The Apostles were CALLED in Matthew 10 but were commissioned in Matthew 28

In Matthew 10:1 they had authority
1. against unclean spirits, to cast them out
2. heal all manner of sickness 
3. Heal all manner of disease. 

Vs 7  to preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

 Vs 8  Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils:

At the commission  in Matthew 28,
they were given stewardship to disciple souls or nations.

We still marvel over devils and miracles.
God marvels at men and women who endure process to handle the harvest.

The Apostle Paul was CALLED in Acts 9 but was not COMMISSIONED FULLY until Acts 13
It is estimated that this could have been 10 years in the making.

Paul was serving Barnabas.
After all the Glory, having encounters and revelation, Paul was serving the Apostolic presbytery.

I want to encourage individuals to find that place where they can be subject, serve and grow.

Becoming chosen depends on being in place for when the time of your needs arises.


1. Study.
2. Be Teachable 
3  Be Humble
4. Do the task at hand
5. Serve a local leadership, church, ministry that has a set order according to Scripture
6. Be faithful
7. Avoid sin and temptations
8. Honor God and those leaders

In His Love,
Jesse Griffin 