Friday, December 14, 2018

The Fire That Refines

The intensity of the refiners fire causes us to see what needs removed from our lives.

The heat is bringing the ugly out first.
That dark black useless dross that rises to the top that needs scraped off.

If we focus on it, we will miss the beauty of what lies beneath the surface.
It is when it is scraped off we see what remains.
Precious metal in its purest form.

It is in the heat of the moment that
Motives are revealed.
Truth is tested.
Covenants are tried.
Obedience is put on trial.
Faith is pressed on.
Humility is inspected.

The hardest test of our character always comes just before our greatest blessing.

It always comes just before another level of revealing.
God always allows us to be purged before the next thrust.

Many times we do not like the instrument God uses to try us.
We do not like the fact God uses people to prove us.
God uses leaders to correct us.
God still uses authority to align us to His purpose.

What fire is trying us?
What instrument is being used to see if we are who we say we are?
What person is God using to stretch our character and bring the final breaking so we can ultimately be made?

Where has God placed authority in and over our lives to help correct our vision?
To help prune us so that we can bear more fruit?

It is in this place of pain where if we endure we will have the most gain.

We must bear the cup of affliction.

We must endure as a good soldier.

We must not grow weary in well doing.

Many times it is in this place of refining that our vision becomes blurry.
We cannot really see what we are to do or where to go.
We grope around darkly or dimly.
The old had blinded us and we must now allow the cleansing to look through new lenses.

What new thing is the Lord doing to prepare us for Greater Works?

As selfish ambitions and dreams are tried and exchanged for His, we can feel a loss of identity.

We must allow the complete breaking and separation from all uncleaness, unclean spirits. lust, lies, deception, ungodly soul ties, perversion, familiar spirits to be thrust into the next level of relationship and authority with the Lord.

It is in this place of trying in the fire that proves our love for Him.

We will either embrace the fire and be purged or run out and cling to the familiar places and things of darkness.

We are in an hour of extreme cleansing.
 Every crooked part of our lives is being tested to see if we will allow the King of kings to straighten it out.

We cannot say we love God and disobey Him.
Every root of rebellion is being challenged.
Every lie is being exposed.
Every deed of darkness brought to the Light.


Many will not make it to their COMMISSION because of dismissing the voice of warning.

By dismissing the Word of correction, we prove we have not understood His love for us.

Instead of coming out of darkness, many continue to unite with it instead of challenging it.

The SPIRIT OF COMPROMISE has settled on the people of God and  it is NOW THE TIME of SHAKING IT OUT!

We must REPENT and ADMIT our unwillingness to fully obey His Word and the leading of His Spirit.
If we do not, we will never enter into the FULNESS OF HIS GLORY.


The Lord will not compete with us setting ourselves up as idols.
The Lord will not compete with the thoughts and things we exalt as idols.

Everytime we compromise we allow something that should have been cast down to exalt itself above the knowledge of God. When we agree with it, we lower our position by not holding to the standards of the Lord.

Have we devalued ourselves and cheapened ourselves to receive less than His promises and blessings?

Have we agreed with another thought or spirit and made it of more value than God and His Word?


The Fire is upon us to get us into place.

To get us to fall in love with Him all over again.
Dont run from it .... EMBRACE IT!



His Watchman,
Jesse Griffin

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