Friday, February 10, 2023

Awards Are Not Rewards

It is wrong that people believe they can determine who has had the greatest worship song of the year.

People can give affirmation and acknowledgments of accomplishments but
Rewards Are Given in Heaven.

These are carnal operations that divide the Body. This breeds competition and causes sincerity to leave the hearts because of ambition.

I bet there is a little girl or boy who whispered a song to God that was a sweet incense in the nostrils of the Father.
It wasn't recorded professionally by man but it registered in Heaven.

I am sure there is widow who uttered a cry somewhere in the world that moved the Father more than a prolific artist.

The worship of the poor from a place of brokenness pouring out before the Throne probably moved the Father in a way our professionalism never will.

David on the backside of the wilderness was taking care of problems that his brothers should have been dealing with.
His worship is still being read today. 

His worship being inspired by the Holy Spirit to the point He prophesied the Messiah.
His worship moved God in such a way He became empowered to conqueror lions, bears and Goliaths.

When did man earn the right to measure worship based on popularity instead of the impact it had on God's heart?
God alone determines the weight of reward on the worship offered.

Worship is intimacy with God. How can we measure one person's love language to God over anothers?

Only God can measure the sacrifice it required to render praise and worship.
Hebrews 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

These offerings were peace offerings and not trespass offerings.

These offerings were meant to keep the established peace that had been attained through the sacrifice offered for sin already.
Meaning the Lamb had been crucified and the blood shed for our sin. I am now in a place of  peace with God.

Now we offer a praise to keep the relationship in place. How can any individual measure praise or worship as it is an offering rendered to keep the relationship intact?
In order to measure worship or praise we would have to also have the ability to measure the heart of the one rendering it.
This alone is Gods to receive and to reward the one offering it up to Him.

I believe strong delusion has prevailed over many in the spirit of pride without even knowing it.

I believe what could have started sweet and innocent can become tainted when this spirit of competition enters in.

The Word says in Isaiah 42:8

  I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to idols.

When we begin to exalt leaders and gifts in such a way as American Idol we make people into idols.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying, appreciating, honoring and blessing gifts that God gives to the church for her building up.

Yet to begin exalting these offices and talents in the same way the world does will eventually cause the once open Heavens over the lives of these anointed vessels to begin to close.

Many will produce music but it is no longer worship in the ears of God.

They will feel forced by industry to have to produce a number 1 seller or stay at the top of the charts. This is a syench in the nostrils of God. It does not come out of a sincere and genuine pursuit but out of performance and self recognition.

As the Body of Christ, we must constantly assess our priorities and reasons for doing what we are doing. Worship is for God alone.

Not a stage for men and women to be heralded on.

God visits altars not platforms and stages.

Worship must be offered as it was on the altar of incense that was started by the fire on the altar.

Everything else is strange fire.

In His Service,
Jesse Griffin