Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Reigning Spirit

The Reigning Spirit
May 11, 2018

The spirit that reigns over people individually and corporately creates the lense they see through.
It is a major contributing factor that affects what people say and do.
This is how a person can prophesy from their own heart and intent because "THEY REIGN"

Lying and familiar spirits speak because they reign in and over a person or group.

These spirits have less room to operate based on ones submission to the LORD, Word, and the Authority of Authentic Kingdom Leadership.

A full yielding to God allows for a full release of His Glory and for His Word to be spoken and heard.
When wrong motives and pride are crushed the purity of the prophetic increases.
Whole groups of people can come to the same perverted, twisted, crooked conclusion when it is not Governed by the Holy Spirit.
Just look at how the religious spirit,  pride and criticalness caused all the Pharisees to label Christ improperly.

Oh, but it was the majority so they must be right.

Not when it is a majority that is prideful, merciless, arrogant, dishonorable and above the law.

 There was another spirit in operation even though they proclaimed the Name of God.
Rebellion and pride fosters a familiar spirit that sounds good only to the group it functions in.
To the obedient, humble and discerned, this operation is a foul stench.

This kind of spirit speaks in a way to those in its grip to empower them to remain disobedient and unloyal to the Lord and Leadership.

Although it can sound spiritual, it produces the fruit of rebellion in others.
Individuals in this kind of environment never find the fruit of humility, peace, meekness and obedience with this type of spirit.
There are always factions within and factions without.

If it gives face as being obedient, it is only a momentary pretense. It is to get what it wants from a person positioned in power and authority.
The spirit in operation is the spirit of disobedience and it hides in the core of the heart.

Entire groups of deemed prophetic people can prophesy by the same spirit and it can sound like LORD because of the unity, but it may not be the Lord at all.

1 Kings 18 Elijah with false prophets on Mt. Carmel

1 Kings 22:22-23 with Micaiah and lying spirits

Jeremiah 28 with Hananiah false prophecy.

The most charismatic individuals can mesmerize people with charm and false prophecy when motives are self driven instead of being Holy Spirit led.

We must return to a true Holy Spirit inspired unction and operation where it is the Lord in the vessel crying out and not just man crying out in the Name of the Lord.

2Peter 1:21
King James Bible

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.


In His Service,
Jesse Griffin
Kingdom Reign International Ministries.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Authentic Version

Naturally speaking, eating food causes the taste buds to become conditioned to a particular taste.
A person can become accustomed to certain types of food, brands and products.

In the Super Market we will see products that were made by producers for the consumers.
When a product becomes popular, other companies will reproduce that brand to imitate it.

This is known as a GENERIC VERSION.

One reason individuals will eat a generic brand is that they cannot afford the cost of the original.

The Generic will have a form and similar taste as the original.
Yet, it is an off brand and does not have the same flavor and many times quality.

We can see a generic version in many products including toys, cleaning products, etc ...

When a person is introduced to generic food, first they develop a taste for it.
When the original is introduced they will not like it as their palette is already conditioned.

This is what is happening even in The  Church.

Many indivuals have gone forth to represent Christ yet would not PAY THE PRICE.

They continue to put on a representation but do not DISPLAY THE ORIGINAL.
They become a GENERIC VERSION.

When individuals come into receiving from these type they will also become accustomed to a cheaper version.
When a person comes around that looks to PAY THE PRICE for the ORIGINAL PATTERN those used to the GENERIC will many times have no desire or tatse buds to receive AUTHENTIC MINISTRY, WORD, ORDER etc ...

In the Old Covenant the False Prophets would imitate the AUTHENTIC by putting on the same garments as The LORDS PROPHETS.
They would have the same LOOK  but not the SAME CONTENT.
The INTENT was not the same.

One was SENT to draw humanity to The LORD.
The other WENT to draw man to themselves.

The FALSE would release a WORD that would PLEASE the people.
When the GENUINE WORD came the people rejected it for the false.


We need a GENERATION that is willing to become that ARC, ALPHA, PROTON type believer that goes all the way and does not stop short in their pursuit of the LORD.

We reproduce what we do and are.

We have to many generic watered down versions of the Gospel and the Kingdom.

All it will produce is Compromise, Casual Christianity and Sunday Goers. 
The Authentic will burn 24/7 willing to Pay the cost of obedience by responding to His Call.




In His Service,
Jesse Griffin 