When Leaders in Ministry share Word, Truth, Scripture or Revelation, it shows maturity to be able to FIRST LISTEN.
If we say a person is our Pastor, then it shows great honor to be able to stay our lane.
It then shows maturity to be able to respond to what our leader is saying, sharing or preaching that compliments their original teaching or thought.
If the person is not our pastor or a leader to us, it still shows humility to honor their postion as such.
Immaturity hears what it wants to hear and then says what it wants to say.
It is not proper protocol to try and change the topic or subject that set leadership has set before the people.
This applies online or in a classroom.
That is not to say an individual does not have a mind, a voice or insight of their own.
It does mean though that proper timing and forum must be set for a correct release.
Kingdom Order identifies and releases people with revelation through authority so they can be received by others.
Rejection will begin to try a forced presentation of revelation causing more rejection.
Many times a quenching or grieving can be felt in the spirit.
See me hear me.
The oneup showmanship should have no place in the Children of God.
I have watched individuals try to outdo eachother from encounters to revelation.
Someone say Rejection amd Pride must go.
We are in a season of strong delusion and rebellion.
We are in an hour of great selfwill.
One way to protect ourself is to find the pattern of honor, spiritual protocols and authority.
Developing Covenant and relationship can create oppurtunity to share when trust, faithfulness and fruit has been developed or displayed.
One area that shows immaturity is the inability to see what has been taught or shared and agree with it.
Especially when it is 100% Scripture.
To many times Word is dropped and instead of the power of agreement individuals are quick to interject their thoughts and opinions without any agreement or compliment.
This behavior reveals rejection, pride, selfishness, selfcenteredness, control and even at times witchcraft.
When was the last time we told our Pastor or leader that what they preached or taught really helped us?
Did we even listen to what they said?
Did it go in one ear and out the other?
Did we let the Seed Word of Truth enter our heart?
Did we take notes and go back over them?
Or were the defenses up so high nothing they said registered?
Why go to church, Bible Study or watch anointed leaders online just to debate and quarrel with them?
Why do so many follow them to just pick out what they do not agree with?
Does this not reveal another spirit, heart and character that is not the nature of Christ?
If we have more knowledge or revelation, we need to be humble and sow encouragement to those leaders.
Remember revelation has power but that does not mean one has a position of Authority.
One way to be in authority is to be in agreement with authority in regards to Sound Doctrine and Vision.
On Facebook or in the Classroom
1. Listen.
2. Take Notes
3. Connect with the teaching
4. Respond honorably to the one teaching, instructing, preaching etc...
5. Compliment the lesson (when in Bible Study)with Scripture that supports the original teaching.
6. Keep it around the point of focus.
7. Do not change the topic, interject our opinion, favorite flavor or latest revelation. This quenches the flow and the anointing if the point one makes is not in alignment to the instructors.
Wait for leadership to open oppurtunity to share freely.
8. Do not bring contention because we feel the lesson wasn't deep enough for us.
Find what we can agree with and honor. We must Be grateful especially if it was all truth.
9. Do not attack whether on Facebook or in a classroom.
If there is a disagreement learn to ask why a person believes or teaches what they do. Healthy communication could bring about an oppurtunity to sow our revelation.
Teachers and preachers often change their doctrinal understanding as they mature.
Also attacking creates division and confusion.
10. Ask questions appropriate to the specific topic at that time.
11. Other questions or comments need to be put on hold until the an open question and answer time is presented.
12. Do not just try to prove a point
13. Love, honor and and stay humble.
In His Love,