Mark 8:15 And he charged them, (the Apostles) saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.
We are about to see the leaven of Herod come to full manifestation in the Church and the world.
There is an absolute separation coming between the carnal believer and the Holy Spirit filled Saint.
What is the Leaven of Herod?
In a nutshell, it is holding civil law above moral law.
As believers and followers of Christ, we will be challenged on where we place our faith, trust and obedience.
Herod held to Roman Law and enforced it upon the land. It did not matter if civil law transgressed moral law.
All that mattered was the enforcement of it.
Many Pharisees appealed to the established law of the Romans and Herod to overthrow Christ.
This here is the mixture between the Divine and the Carnal.
There are defining moments that will prove the real from the false.
Are we listening to the ones who profess to see but are really blind?
These are the ones who lead the people into a ditch.
These type of religious leaders with wrong motives and political ties actually lead their followers into an unclean place.
Or are we following those that actually see and are working to implement Kingdom Principals in the Governments of this world?
One will compromise for position, power, influence and gain.
The other will hold it's ground to stand for truth rather than fall for a lie and serve ungodliness.
The political spirit and the Holy Spirit are not the same.
One is secularism and serves flesh and selfish ambitions.It serves to establish man naturally and temporarily.
The other is spiritual and serves as a representative of the Creator to His Glory and Eternal Majesty. The Holy Spirit serves to lead humanity into a spiritual and eternal establishment.
One is carnal and can become backed by demonic infiltration.
The other serves to establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of man.
One serves to establish the one world government.
The other works to convict us to run far from its grip.
Be Wise / Discern / Pray / Repent
In His Love,
#KingdomReign #LeavenofHerod