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Monday, October 14, 2019
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Discerner of Thoughts and Intent
To many times, people are deceived by 100's of false confirmations because their heart is already set on what they want to do.
Instead of seeking out a TRUE WORD from the Lord, they seek out people who will confirm their own plans and desires. They will avoid anyone who will whole heartedly search out a matter and instead look for YES PEOPLE.
When the ONE TRUE WORD of the LORD comes to correct the error of hundreds of false words, it is with the purpose of setting the crooked path straight.
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
DISCERNER- is the word kritikos where we get the word critical.
The Word has the ability to help make decisions in the heat of the moment when it is a life and death situation and it is CRITICAL! Also the Word is DISCRIMINATIVE which means it is used to MAKE DISTINCTIONS.
The difference between right and wrong, Holy and unholy, pure and impure hang on whether the Word says what is.
The WORD is the only true way in which to test everything else.
So the Word comes to DISCERN the THOUGHTS meaning the DELIBERATION and DEVICES of the mind.
This is careful consideration before a decision is made so that a person can understand what they are thinking and why.
INTENTS- meaning, having a MORAL UNDERSTANDING behind why and how a persons HEART operates the way it does.
Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Meaning the heart is incurably sick.
When the wickedness of a persons heart rises, they are blinded by the decisions that they make because of the desires that they have.
Pride, ambition, lust, envy, jealousy etc ... all serve to blind a person in their discernment.
This is when the Word must come to PIERCE and DIVIDE between SOUL and SPIRIT and JOINTS and MARROW.It must first PIERCE, meaning to REACH THROUGH or PENETRATE into the inner core of a person in their thoughts.
When the Word pierces, if a person will hear the TRUTH that is presented to them, it will CUT or SEPARATE between that which is soul ( the mind, will, emotions of the carnal man) and spirit (the part of us that communes with the Holy Spirit) The Word will divide between TRUTH and LIES.
To Divide between JOINTS and MARROW means symbolically that which moves the Body and that which supplies nourishment to the Bones that forms as a frame for the Body.
The Word will come and DISCERN what is trying to move the Body and what is trying to give food or what kind of nutrition is being fed to the structure.
When false words come and begin to feed the supply of nutrition to the bones, the joints begin to move in motion.
It takes a true word to get into the MARROW which represents the most inner part of the bone.
Even as the spirit is the most inner part of a man, if it gets in line with the will of God, it will move the Body or the Soul of a person into proper position.
When the King of Israel sought out whether to go to war or not in 1 Kings 22 all 400 prophets answered and said it is well.
Yet when Jehosphat asked if there was another who could inquire of the Lord, The King of Israel says there is one named Micaiah who never speaks well of the King of Israel.
When the prophet begins to speak truth, the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me, but evil?
1Ki 22:18Read the full story in 1 Kings 22 for yourself and see how a lying spirit works in conjunction with false prophets and rebellion. Ones own desires will cause them to move against truth.
No one can overthrow the Word of God.
It is better to have ONE TRUE PROPHET and ONE TRUE WORD then to have the APPEARANCE of success with 400 FALSE PROPHETS and FALSE WORDS OF VICTORY.
In His Service,
Apostle Jesse
Instead of seeking out a TRUE WORD from the Lord, they seek out people who will confirm their own plans and desires. They will avoid anyone who will whole heartedly search out a matter and instead look for YES PEOPLE.
When the ONE TRUE WORD of the LORD comes to correct the error of hundreds of false words, it is with the purpose of setting the crooked path straight.
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
DISCERNER- is the word kritikos where we get the word critical.
The Word has the ability to help make decisions in the heat of the moment when it is a life and death situation and it is CRITICAL! Also the Word is DISCRIMINATIVE which means it is used to MAKE DISTINCTIONS.
The difference between right and wrong, Holy and unholy, pure and impure hang on whether the Word says what is.
The WORD is the only true way in which to test everything else.
So the Word comes to DISCERN the THOUGHTS meaning the DELIBERATION and DEVICES of the mind.
This is careful consideration before a decision is made so that a person can understand what they are thinking and why.
INTENTS- meaning, having a MORAL UNDERSTANDING behind why and how a persons HEART operates the way it does.
Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Meaning the heart is incurably sick.
When the wickedness of a persons heart rises, they are blinded by the decisions that they make because of the desires that they have.
Pride, ambition, lust, envy, jealousy etc ... all serve to blind a person in their discernment.
This is when the Word must come to PIERCE and DIVIDE between SOUL and SPIRIT and JOINTS and MARROW.It must first PIERCE, meaning to REACH THROUGH or PENETRATE into the inner core of a person in their thoughts.
When the Word pierces, if a person will hear the TRUTH that is presented to them, it will CUT or SEPARATE between that which is soul ( the mind, will, emotions of the carnal man) and spirit (the part of us that communes with the Holy Spirit) The Word will divide between TRUTH and LIES.
To Divide between JOINTS and MARROW means symbolically that which moves the Body and that which supplies nourishment to the Bones that forms as a frame for the Body.
The Word will come and DISCERN what is trying to move the Body and what is trying to give food or what kind of nutrition is being fed to the structure.
When false words come and begin to feed the supply of nutrition to the bones, the joints begin to move in motion.
It takes a true word to get into the MARROW which represents the most inner part of the bone.
Even as the spirit is the most inner part of a man, if it gets in line with the will of God, it will move the Body or the Soul of a person into proper position.
When the King of Israel sought out whether to go to war or not in 1 Kings 22 all 400 prophets answered and said it is well.
Yet when Jehosphat asked if there was another who could inquire of the Lord, The King of Israel says there is one named Micaiah who never speaks well of the King of Israel.
When the prophet begins to speak truth, the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me, but evil?
1Ki 22:18Read the full story in 1 Kings 22 for yourself and see how a lying spirit works in conjunction with false prophets and rebellion. Ones own desires will cause them to move against truth.
No one can overthrow the Word of God.
It is better to have ONE TRUE PROPHET and ONE TRUE WORD then to have the APPEARANCE of success with 400 FALSE PROPHETS and FALSE WORDS OF VICTORY.
In His Service,
Apostle Jesse
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