Friday, January 18, 2019

Pray Like Never Before

Kingdom Citizens,
It is with fear and trembling that I write today.
I am writing about an impending attack on our President and our Nation.

Before I share this, I want to say openly that I pray for our President. I say openly and publicly that I desire no harm to come to him or his administration.
I pray for the Vice President and pray he and his family be protected.
You might say, why make such a disclaimer? Because NSA, CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies intercept Social Media posts and flag individuals if they make defamatory remarks towards our country or our POTUS.

What I am about to share has had me and my household very disturbed and alarmed.
If you have not seen a video I did in 2016 before the President was elected I encourage you to please do so.
I had shared a Word the Lord gave me in 2001 about our current administration.

One of the key words the Lord said to me was that this President would bring a momentary reprieve to our Nation from Judgment.
It was going to be one of the last seasons that the Church would be able to operate freely.
That this generation of believer would be judged the most harshly because it had the most wealth, revelation and opportunity and did the least with it in evangelism and teaching.

Two weeks ago the Lord began to download to me through an open vision several things.

In my open vision, I saw our President seated in the Oval Office and I saw an assassin coming towards him with a handgun and fire.
I saw our President extend his hand open towards the gunmen and turn away from the attack.
I saw the gun fire and the bullet come out and as the President turned the scene stopped and the vision froze.
The bullet was in mid air suspended.

I heard these words. "Tell My people to pray" Tell them to pray especially hard the week before and the week after Presidents Day.

I asked why Presidents Day? I heard in my spirit that Presidents Day commemorates deceased Presidents and they want this President to become a memory.
We must realize and recognize that even as our President is being used to break down walls he is also being used to be a wall.

The enemy wants him out of the way so the full agenda of other nations and demonic governments can freely function.

2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.

Presidents Day is Monday, February 18th, 2019.
We need to already be bombarding Heaven but we need to February 14th - 28th we need to be at full attention.
The Lord said to me that there are many plans and plots that have been uncovered that have not been disclosed to the American public as it would generate panic.

In a recent revelation the Lord showed me three streams becoming one. These three streams are.

Political Divide:
those opposing the President Shadow State
Racial Divide: Black vs White / Illegals vs Citizens
Equality: LGBTQ LGBT / Womens Rights etc...

These Antichrist demonic streams are merging streams.
It is likened unto the coming together of Herod and Pilate to come against Christ.
Luke 23:12 That day Herod and Pilate became friends--before this they had been enemies.

February 2019 is going to be one the most demonic atmospheres this Nation has experienced.
We need to go into strong intercession for our President and our Nation.

Pray that all attempts will be exposed
Pray protection over our President
Pray the enemy to fall into their own traps.
Pray for Love, Light and Truth to penetrate the Government of the United States and those being used to demonically tear our nation apart.
Pray for a heart that will once again care for the well being of the American People.


In His Love,
Jesse Griffin

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Prophetic Maturity

Some of the things that are being called prophetic are directly connected with the process of maturation.

It is not that the Lord is doing a NEW thing in the sense that He has never done it before.

What He is doing becomes NEW in the sense that a person or a group of individuals have passed through process and the LORD can now begin that particular work in and with them.

Some of what we are calling prophetic insights of what the Lord is doing cannot be released to everyone because many have not matured to handle that particular dealing of the Lord.

The WORD of the Lord for one camp may not necessarily be the WORD for the next as it is linked
to calling, assignment, alignment, territory, maturity, obedience, humility, commission and holiness.

Matthew 13:11 
And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.

Mark 4:33 
And with many such parables spake he the word unto them, as they were able to hear it. (UNDERSTAND)

As the Lord is speaking to us we must discern who the Word is for.

Is it for the multitudes as to the masses as seed is sown?

Is it to be very intentional and directional sowing of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, discernment, revelation etc..?

When assignments are given, the directive is only to be given to those who are meant to run with the vision.

Choose wisely, as we are commanded to not give that which is holy to dogs and to not cast our pearls before swine.
Matthew 7:6

Not every word, thought, or revelation is for every person.

In His Love,
Jesse Griffin