Monday, November 18, 2019

Kingdom First

According to the Gospel of Matthew we are to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God.
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

The Word SEEK means to

to seek in order to find

to seek a thing

to seek [in order to find out] by thinking, meditating, reasoning, to enquire into

to seek after, seek for, aim at, strive after

to seek, i.e. require, demand

to crave, demand something from someone


Many have prayed the prayer of Matthew 6:10  Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

We pray these prayers, but what should we expect and what should our response be.

We should expect a removal of the things that hinder our walk with the Lord. We then should expect to see the setting of DIVINE ORDER.

When we ask for the Kingdom we should expect Divine Light, Love, Law and Life to enter into a place.

These four components will challenge everything that is not like the LORD.

We then should expect the ESTABLISHING of the Kingdom in our hearts.

What will we receive?

Five things that we get when we ask for the Kingdom.
Matthew 6:33

1. The Rule of the King
To be guarded and fed like a Shepherd with sheep. The King nourishes and protects His citizens (His Children) and His Kingdom.

2. Realm of the Kingdom.
We receive that which is established in the Heavens. We begin to see its effects in the natural realm as the revelation and  strength of the Kingdom increases in our lives and those around us.
We see the advancing of the Kingdom through the power of Word, deeds, acts and demonstration.

3. Royalty of the King and His Kingdom.
We receive the benefits of the dignity of the King.

4. The Reign of the Authority of the King.
We have the right to exercise the authority of the King and demonstrate the power of the Kingdom.
He has given us the power to become the sons of God.

5. The Righteousness of the King
We receive the nature and character of the King.
We are being transformed into His likeness.
We begin to desire the Moral correctness of Christ.

We are moving from being the sons of man to becoming the sons of God.

In His Love,
#KingdomFirst #KingdomCome #ReceiveTheKingdom

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Discerner of Thoughts and Intent

To many times, people are deceived by 100's of false confirmations because their heart is already set on what they want to do.

Instead of seeking out a TRUE WORD from the Lord, they seek out people who will confirm their own plans and desires. They will avoid anyone who will whole heartedly search out a matter and instead look for YES PEOPLE.

When the ONE TRUE WORD of the LORD comes to correct the error of hundreds of false words, it is with the purpose of setting the crooked path straight.

 Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.


DISCERNER- is the word kritikos where we get the word critical.

The Word has the ability to help make decisions in the heat of the moment when it is a life and death situation and it is CRITICAL! Also the Word is DISCRIMINATIVE which means it is used to MAKE DISTINCTIONS.

 The difference between right and wrong, Holy and unholy, pure and impure hang on whether the Word says what is.

The WORD is the only true way in which to test everything else.

So the Word comes to DISCERN the THOUGHTS meaning the DELIBERATION and DEVICES of the mind.
This is careful consideration before a decision is made so that a person can understand what they are thinking and why.

INTENTS- meaning, having a MORAL UNDERSTANDING behind why and how a persons HEART operates the way it does.

Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?  Meaning the heart is incurably sick.

When the wickedness of a persons heart rises, they are blinded by the decisions that they make because of the desires that they have.

Pride, ambition, lust, envy, jealousy etc ... all serve to blind a person in their discernment.

This is when the Word must come to PIERCE and DIVIDE  between SOUL and SPIRIT and JOINTS and MARROW.It must first PIERCE, meaning to REACH THROUGH or PENETRATE into the inner core of a person in their thoughts.

When the Word pierces, if a person will hear the TRUTH that is presented to them, it will CUT or SEPARATE between that which is soul ( the mind, will, emotions of the carnal man) and spirit (the part of us that communes with the Holy Spirit) The Word will divide between TRUTH and LIES.

To Divide between JOINTS and MARROW means symbolically that which moves the Body and that which supplies nourishment to the Bones that forms as a frame for the Body.
The Word will come and DISCERN what is trying to move the Body and what is trying to give food or what kind of nutrition is being fed to the structure.

When false words come and begin to feed the supply of nutrition to the bones, the joints begin to move in motion.
 It takes a true word to get into the MARROW which represents the most inner part of the bone.

Even as the spirit is the most inner part of a man, if it gets in line with the will of God, it will move the Body or the Soul of a person into proper position.

When the King of Israel sought out whether to go to war or not in 1 Kings 22 all 400 prophets answered and said it is well.
Yet when Jehosphat asked if there was another who could inquire of the Lord, The King of Israel says there is one named Micaiah who never speaks well of the King of Israel.

 When the prophet begins to speak truth, the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me, but evil?

1Ki 22:18Read the full story in 1 Kings 22 for yourself and see how a lying spirit works in conjunction with false prophets and rebellion. Ones own desires will cause them to move against truth.

No one can overthrow the Word of God.

 It is better to have ONE TRUE PROPHET and ONE TRUE WORD then to have the APPEARANCE of success with 400 FALSE PROPHETS and FALSE WORDS OF VICTORY.



In His Service,
Apostle Jesse

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Mercies of the Lord

Did you know that the Bible says the mercies of the Lord are NEW every morning?

Lamentations 3:22 It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
24 The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.

That means there is something waiting for us from the Lord everyday we wake up.

One of my favorite fragrances to wake up to is fresh coffee.
I love a fresh hot cup of coffee.
The same way my wife serves up a pot of FRESH coffee the Lord desires to serve us NEW and FRESH from His Presence.

The mercies of the Lord are described as manifold and coming in multitudes.
Nehemiah 9:19 Psalm 106:7

They are tender, great, and are sure.
Tender Psalm 25:6, 88:9,40:11, 103:4,

Great 2 Samuel 24:14,Nehemiah 9:31, isaiah 54:7

Sure isaiah 55:3

His mercies are connected with His lovingkindness.

We must relize He desires to pour out on us His compassions as He is faithful towards us.
We need mercy because we have been unfaithful to Him.

If you are reading this, then ask the Holy Spirit to reveal those mercies awaiting you today.

When David sinned, he cried out
Psa 51:1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.

When it came to healing blin Bartimaues, he cried out
"Thou Son of David, have mercy on me." Mark 10:46-52

The same way the Lord was faithful to king David, He is faithful toward us through Christ.
The same mercies afforded David are now even more available toward us when we place our trust in the Lord and repent.

Act 13:34 And as concerning that He raised Him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, He said on this wise, I will give you the sure mercies of David.

Today, the Lord wants to reveal His mercies. They are there waiting for us to ask for them.

In His Love,
Jesse Griffin
Kingdom Reign International Ministries.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Many individuals in a desire for preeminence changed their title but didn't realize they couldn't change the call or anointing on their life.
That is if they even were called at all.

We have a generation likened unto Diotrephes.

3 John 1:9  I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, received us not.

Diotrephes means nourished by Jupiter. Jupiter was known as the god of the sky and thunder.
These individuals receive their aspiration for height from another source.

They desire to be heard loudly.
Where Jupiter is the god of thunder YHWH is God of the rain.

Those that self exalt themselves become guilty of fulfilling Jude when it says
Jude 1:12 These are spots(hidden reefs) in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots;

They learned all of the information and appearance about higher callings but do not have the ability to demonstrate it.

They will deny those who carry the call because of fear and insecurity. While they can produce a sound the authentic produce the rain.

Many of the followers  thought they were shifting only to find out that the Apostle or Prophet was really a Pastor or Teacher who changed their title.

This leads to spiritual frustration as many believers desire the fullness of God but find limited demonstration to the revelation being taught.
Without understanding many who exalted themselves above the initial call and anointing do not realize they now become a hindrance.
They hinder true offices and  hurt the followers by not being able to produce authentic revelation, activation, impartation or demonstration.

Without The Call and Unction of the Holy Spirit what was once revelation only becomes information.
Without the wind of the Holy Spirit and Authentic Anointing that information sits dormant without transformation.
Without transformation we have no place for operation.
Without a place prepared for operation we end up with desolation.

We need a massive move of repentance from leadership down and to pray for Divine alignments and Realigning.

If you have found yourself to be innocently deceived do not be hard on yourself.

A desire for the genuine is a wonderful thing.
Continue to seek and the Lord will place the true before you.

If we are of those who exalt themselves or desire preeminence we need to humble ourselves.
We should have the fear of the Lord that we would cause the little ones to stumble.

For the authentic persevere.

The hour of reckoning is upon us and the pretenders will be exposed and the eyes of people opened. The streams of false validation will be cut off and the authentic will step in as THE VOICE of the LORD.


In His Service,
Jesse Griffin

Monday, August 19, 2019

Attacking the Deliverer

One great deception that happens just before deliverance is when the enemy gets the people of God to attack the one sent to deliver them.

When we read the story of Moses commissioning to return to Egypt, he was told to report it to the elders and the people.

Upon hearing this report the people became very excited, bowed down and worshipped.
Exodus 4:29-31
29 And Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel:
30 And Aaron spake all the words which the LORD had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people.
31 And the people believed: and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped.

1. We see Aaron and Moses present themselves to the elders and the people
2. Aaron speaks as the mouthpiece all the words spoken by God to Moses
3. Signs are performed
a. Staff into serpent
b. Hand made leprous and whole again
c. Water of the Nile turned into blood on the land
4. They heard
5. They believed
6. They bowed their heads
7. They worshipped.

This seems to be such a wonderful beginning to a happy ending. Unfortunately, it was short lived.
It was after this speech, demonstration and worship that now Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh.

Exodus 5:1 Afterward Moses and Aaron came, and said to Pharaoh, “This is what Yahweh, the God of Israel, says, ‘Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness.’”

Pharaohs Response
2 Pharaoh said, “Who is Yahweh, that I should listen to his voice to let Israel go? I don’t know Yahweh, and moreover I will not let Israel go.”

He said He did not know the Lord!

Together in unity Moses and Aaron declare who the LORD is.
3 They said, “The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Please let us go three days, journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to Yahweh, our God, lest he fall on us with pestilence, or with the sword.”
Now here comes the tightening of bondage.
Securing those who had been subject to bondage and cruel work.
4 The king of Egypt said to them, “Why do you, Moses and Aaron, take the people from their work? Get back to your burdens!”
5 Pharaoh said, “Behold, the people of the land are now many, and you make them rest from their burdens.”
6 The same day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters of the people and their officers, saying,
7 “You shall no longer give the people straw to make brick, as before. Let them go and gather straw for themselves.
8 You shall require from them the number of the bricks which they made before. You shall not diminish anything of it, for they are idle. Therefore they cry, saying, ‘Let’s go and sacrifice to our God.’
9 Let heavier work be laid on the men, that they may labor in it. Don’t let them pay any attention to lying words.”

The response of Pharaoh was do not let them meditate on the WORDS SPOKEN!
He called them LYING WORDS.

In the beginning the people believed and worshipped!
We are now about to see a different response.

After the elders of Israel met with Pharaoh we read
Exodus 5:20 They met Moses and Aaron, who stood along the way, as they came out from Pharaoh.
21 They said to them, “May Yahweh look at you and judge, because you have made us a stench to be abhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to kill us!”

They were now turning against the ones sent to liberate them.
They were now being threatened and being forced to focus on cruel labor(bondage) instead of preparing to go and serve(worship the Lord)
This same pattern plays out today when the Lord raises individuals with the deliverance anointing.
The LORD assigns them to people and places to bring the people out of bondage.
Initially the people shout, clap, rejoice and worship.

They had only heard the WORD or PROCLAMATION for DELIVERANCE.
They had not entered into the PROCESS of DELIVERANCE.

Once the process begins we will see all kinds of manifestations.
1. The enemy will manifest
2. Those being delivered might manifest and attack the deliverer
3. The one doing the delivering or liberating is provoked and tried to cause them to manifest in a way contrary to the nature of the LORD.

One of the tools the enemy uses to keep the people in bondage is slander and accusation.
God had anointed Moses and sent him back.
Moses had previously tried to take care of things in his own strength when he killed an Egyptian for oppressing one of the Hebrew brethern.

Acts 7:35 This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush.
In the beginning they accused Moses.

They did not understand that Moses was their DELIVERER.
If the enemy can twist the minds of the people of God with intimidation, manipulation, domination, lies, and bondage, they will attack the one sent to liberate.

It is in these moments of heightened battle where everyone is made and proven.
Loyalty is made or broken.
Trust is made or broken.

When we are assigned to bring someone out of bondage, we must know it will not happen without a fight.
We must be prepared to guard our heart and remain steadfast that they might be set free.
Who has the Lord sent to set us free?

Did we attack them because after we rejoiced the enemy turned up the heat?
Or did we stand with them and join together to defeat the enemy?

Dearly beloved, do not be deceived in a moment of affliction to choose the side of the captor and remain captives.
The LORD has spoken and prescribed deliverance as your portion.
We must join with the ones who have been sent and set to bring us out.

In His Love,
Jesse Griffin

Monday, April 22, 2019

Illegal Spiritual Operation

    There is way to much illegal Apostolic and Prophetic operation.

This article is not going to gain me points with some people.
That is okay though as I am on a mission to
1. Get in order with the Lord
2. Share true Kingdom insights and principles regardless of who likes it.

Let me start by saying if we want true reformation then we must be willing to root up, pluck up, tear down, and destroy before we can build and plant.
Jeremiah 1:10

When we read about Gideon in Judges 6 we find out Israel had been under the oppression of Midian for 7 years.

The Word says Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. Judges 6:1
The Israelites had to hide from the Midianites and the land is stripped bare and Israel is left impoverished.
Judges 6:2- 6

The people cried out because of the oppression.
The Lord sends a prophet to tell them the error of their ways.
Judges 6: 7-10

Then after this an Angel of the Lord appears to Gideon
He is given a word.
Judges 6:12

  And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.

13  And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

Take note of something.

In verse 12 the Angel says to Gideon "the LORD is with you"
Gideon responds in verse 13 "if the LORD be with us, WHY?"

See God was for Israel but had withdrawn Himself to teach them a lesson.

The LORD was with Gideon.

Gideon becomes favored, called, anointed and then commissioned to do something that would allow God to answer the cry of the people and the plea of His own heart.

When will the LORD be with Israel again?

In verse 25 Gideon is commanded to tear down the altar of Baal
Gideon had to go against his own family and the order of the city in order to serve the Lord.

He had grown up in a place where his own father had groves and idols.
The people of the region became accustomed to the groves of Joash. These places were set as places of sexual immorality.

We see a rise of the flesh once Gideon obeyed the Lord from those who were affected by Gideons obedience.

Joash was guilty as a father for setting up idolatry and immorality before the LORD.

Gideon had to break through fear to tear down that thing that stood before the LORD and Israels restoration.

He had to love and fear the LORD more than fear man.

Many people are bound because they do what was the custom of those preceding them.

They become bound to something that they were fed that now feeds their pride and the carnal man.
This happens everywhere including family, school, business and ministry.

My focus is on ministry and the approach of modern day apostolic and prophetic models.

When we study out the first century Apostles and how they operated it looks nothing like today.

Even the some of the protocols of modern prophetic movements carry little weight compared to the 1st century fathers and the order of Old Covenant prophets.

Did you know that in order to get Apostolic insights in the 1st century a person had to be CALLED UP into the mysteries?

That means starting with the original apostles of the Lamb they personally called their disciples to follow them.
A lot of people do not know the Apostle John had a disciple who became an Apostle named Polycarp.

Why am I saying this? Because when we study out the order of the original 12 and then those following we see deep personal relationships when it came to training, activating, imparting, developing and accountability.

The Apostles understood spheres, metrons, bishoprick when it came to who they preached to and then those who were to be discipled by them.

They made DISCIPLES and above that,  they made SONS and DAUGHTERS in the GOSPEL.

This modern fan club and groupie following of Apostles and Prophets is way out of order.

See the seed of the Gospel of Good News is to be SCATTERED EVERYWHERE!
Yet, the mysteries of the KINGDOM are to be STEWARDED and COMMITTED to the FAITHFUL!

Creating followings by trying to out do each other on Social Media with the latest revelation is completely out of order.
Revelation, Mysteries, Inigmas and the like are to be entrusted to those that fall under covenant of their leadership.

2 Timothy  2:2  And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

I know that this is going to upset people but many of these Schools of the Prophets and Apostolic Companies are way out of order.

Individuals are supposed to be able to come into a place of Covenant Connection for development.
Not merchandised and get imparted to like Simon the Sorcerer wanted.

If leaders will not train and raise up people because they cannot pay then we still have a god called Mammon in operation.
A person is better off not being imparted to by Leviathan and waiting for a humble leader to invest into them.

This is still a hireling spirit in operation. It needs addressed.
Sons and daughters can not be raised while trying to merchandise them.

Now I do believe honor should be sown as the ox is not to be muzzled while treading the grain.

We should see heart and spirit connection before a financial tie is in operation.

Is it about them or about what they are bringing financially?

Is about what they can bring the teacher or about what the teacher can impart into the people?

When was the last time we saw an Apostle or Prophet say they prayed in the mountain and then go and call the ones they were to lay mantles on?

We say we want to see Elijah to Elisha, Paul to Timothy type relationship and training.
This is something that has to be completely sincere and organic by the Holy Spirit.

What needs thrown out and cut down is the calculating of the amount of revenue a person needs to bring in to be discipled.

The sons of the prophets under Elijah was a community that operated as a college.

They were FAMILY!

The Spirit of the Lord and the Glory of God is working to lay true Kingdom Structure back into the Saints.
Who can hear the Spirit of the Lord?

Show me scripturally where we are to  CHARGE to discple people.
Mantles are not for sale.
Anointing is not for sale.
Revelation is not for sale.
Salvation is not for sale.

Who has the guts to trust the Lord to lay a pure foundation in ministry and cut down Mammon?

That is a place that will be full of love, life, gifts and the Glory of the Lord.

In His Love,
Jesse Griffin

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Honor or Dishonor

I used to wonder how is it for months and even years there seemed to be an effortless delivery of the Word of God and flow of the Holy Spirit when working with and fellowshiping with certain people

This river would just open up and anointing would pour out and it was great joy.

Then, out of nowhere it is like the fountain was turned off.
I wanted to see the same joy and release but the Holy Spirit was not moving.

I would feel a sour feeling but I couldn't understand why.

Then months later after communication was non existent  the full manifestation would appear and come out of the person.

The spirit of dishonor.

Even though it had not been expressed to me (my soul) my spirit man and definitely the Holy Spirit knew that dishonor was brewing in the heart.

The Holy Spirit is not able to pour into dishonor, usurption, undermining, pride, rebellion etc ... Even if He speaks the hardness of heart and wrong agenda does not let the person receive.
Instead of feeling empowered after speaking with some individuals, I would feel drained.

Once again dishonor.

Dishonor wants what you have but not who you are.
Once it seems you cannot offer what they want, the real manifestation of the heart begins to emerge.

This is what happened to Judas.
In John 6:70 Jesus says have I not chosen you and one of you is a devil?

In the original language it is a progression and literally means one of you is becoming more like the devil.
You did not start off devilish but unfortunately a door was open that allowed a demonic personailty to grow up with you.

Even though the desire of Christ was to impart, teach and develop Judas to be an Apostle, Judas had other ambitions that blinded him to why he was called.
This ambition grew over the coursenof 3 1/2 years until it finally fully manifested at the Passover meal.

Luk 22:3 Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.
Joh 13:2 And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him
It caused him to dishonor the Lord

John 13:27  And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.

There is a difference between a thought entering into a person and them taking on the embodiment of a spirit.

Judas went from being called as an Apostle to the Lord to being used by the enemy.

He was used to accomplish something that needed to happen but his heart of dishonor cost him his soul.

Dishonor blinds a persons heart from seeing another person for who they are and building genuine relationship.

Pro 30:15 The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give, give. There are three things thatare never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough

Once desire is not met the heart grows cold and calloused towards the one they feel did not give them what they deserved.

Christ gave Judas the same power and authority as the other Apostles in Matthew 10:1

He became blinded by his own ambition and derailed his walk with the Lord.

The Love of Christ never changed toward him as he kissed him and called him friend.

Stay true to the Lord Saints and guard  your heart as that will guard your motives.

Why am I doing what I am doing?

Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life

In His Love,
Apostle Jesse

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


We must guard what we endorse!

To many times we are torn between who a person is and what they do.
We can love a person through and through yet we must make sure we make a clear line of separation between loving a person (as in who they are) and condoning what they do.

All life has value but not everything we do does.
The scripture says we cannot sit at the table of Christ and Belial.
2 Corinthians 6:15

Belial means worthlessness and unyoked.
When a person willingly breaks the Word of God and knows they are breaking it, they are knowingly and willingly casting off restraint.
They are saying that they do not want to be yoked with Christ.
Christ said "My yoke is easy and My burden is light"
Matthew 11:30

This in reference to His Word and Commandments.

1Jn 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous
Grievous means burdensome, weighty, heavy as in something that will weigh us down and cause us to sink.

On the contrary obedience to the Word, unction of the Holy Spirit causes us to rise.

We are not to be involved with conduct that has no worth.
To many times we support people because they have charm, charisma, are funny, gifted, pretty, handsome but they blatantly disrespect the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, the sacrifice of Christ, and the Honor of the Father.
To many times people support someone who is willingly breaking Covenant with God to spare their feelings.
Proverbs 27:6  Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

We as the sons and daughters of God must come to a place where we lovingly let people know we love them, but we will not put our seal of approval on their conduct, actions, or words that are sin that is in direct rebellion with Holiness and Truth.

Paul says 1Ti 5:22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.

This has to do with ordaining and commisioning people into ministry, yet we see that because of releasing a person without character, leaders become chargeable.
The person is to be representing Christ but their ways bring reproach and it falls on leaders for launching people to soon. They did not test them in faithfulness, doctrine, word, deed, holiness or fruit.
When we support and endorse that which is condemnable, we do not realize we are participators in their sin and become charged.

So, the next time we go to endorse or support a person, have we shown before the Lord that we approve what He approves and reject what He rejects?

The next time that friend of ours who says they are saved goes ahead against the Word, we need to love them but admonish them that what they are doing is not the Lord.
We must make sure we are not involved with looking like we approve of wrong doing.

2 Timothy 2: 2  And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

In His Love,
Apostle Jesse

Friday, February 15, 2019

Find Your Tribe

If you want the right VIBE, then find your TRIBE!

It is damaging to oneself to release an office, gift, revelation or the anointing where people do not want it or it is not time.
It will only grieve the Holy Spirit, open more doors for attack from the enemy, and generate ridicule and mockery from people that are carnal.


1. Listen for the Heartbeat. They will have the Heart of the Heavenly Father burning and beating in each other.
There sole desire is that God be Glorified in everything that is being said and done.

2. Take heed to the Word. The Word being preached is unadulterated and anointed. It is released in a way that gives definition and direction. It generates insight and understand to walk closer with Jesus.

3. Listen for Jesus. Kingdom minded people know how to hear the voice of the Master speaking through His servants in the Earth. Can you hear the Lord in that preacher, leader, vessel?

4. Look for the Vision. They will see beyond the natural realm with the eyes of faith to bring in the SUPERNATURAL of the Kingdom into the Earth. This vision gives the purpose and identity to the Saints for their assignment(s) geographically, educationally, and culturally. Where, when and who to build with is being clearly defined.

5. Listen for the SOUND. There is a ROAR that the Spirit of the Lord is releasing in the sons and daughters of God that will put terror into the heart of the enemy and stir faith in the Saints.
THIS SOUND IS RELEASING FRESH WORSHIP that fuels the fire of the prophetic. It is the sound of INTIMACY where the Lord begins to release the secret to His FRIENDS.

6. Examine the Fruit. You will find believers that understand the Fruit of the Spirit and the Beatitudes and they will weep when they do not produce this fruit and nature. They have gentle spirits towards the people and are aggressive against sin and devils.

7. Look for the gifts. You will find them exercising their spiritual authority confidently but humbly. Looking to use these gifts to minister to the lost and to edify, encourage, and comfort the Saints.

8. Behold Their Faces. You will see that they have been in the secret place. Their faces will shine with the Glory of the LORD as did Moses face. They manifest their heart and spirit when trials are their hardest and hottest in the way Stephen did while being stoned. He had the face of an angel. Cains face was full of anger and rage just before he murdered his brother Abel.

9. Look for the serving. Look for people who are desiring to complete each other and not compete with each other.
Look for the spirit of honor where it is being released upon the people from leadership, from the people to leadership, and person to person in the congregation.
This includes their ability to give to each other, missions and the community.
They will give of their time, resources, talents, gifts and most importantly their LOVE (Charity).

10. Look for the Holy Spirit. Look to see how much room is given for the Holy Spirit to move and speak. Kingdom people welcome Divine Moves as He is the One we are saying we want in our midst. Those that are led by the Spirit are the sons of God. No leading of the Spirit may mean carnal operation that eventually quenches the flow of the Kingdom.


In His Love,
Apostle Jesse Griffin
Kingdom Reign International Ministries.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Stay The Course

Isa 30:20 And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers: 21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.
Deception, we don't intend on it to happen to us, but it can. Unaware of the results that wait on the other side of its influence, many find themselves lured in by a promise, a word, a person, a want, a dream, a desire etc. We can place just about anything in a long line of decisions that need to be made on a day to day basis. As we seek and pray for His will to become the center of our life we begin to see that we must walk on His Word and trust He knows what is best. Yet, as unintentional as it may be, disobedience can step in through deception. We whole heartedly want to obey God, but something slips in causing us to shift from His word. How did it happen?
Please read 1 Kings 13

In short we read the account of a man of God who was used by the Lord to prophesy, confirm the word with a sign, intercede for the king and instructed in what to do afterward. His prophesy spoke against king Jeroboam and the altar causing the king to try to lay his hand upon the prophet. When the king did, his hand dried up. The prophet prays and the kings hand is restored. The king offers a reward to the prophet. Yet the prophet had received a direct word in what he was to do.
1Ki 13:8 And the man of God said unto the king, If thou wilt give me half thine house, I will not go in with thee, neither will I eat bread nor drink water in this place:1Ki 13:9 For so was it charged me by the word of the LORD, saying, Eat no bread, nor drink water, nor turn again by the same way that thou camest.

We see the same kind of response from the prophet Elisha to Gehazi after Naamans healing. Elisha rejected the blessing of Naaman 1 Kings 5:15 but Gehazi chased it down 1 Kings 5:20.Elisha rebukes Gehazi
2Ki 5:26 And he said unto him, Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and maidservants?

The prophet must make sure that the one who receives a healing or sees a sign performed attributes it to God and not the messenger.
After the great signs and wonders were done by this prophet there was no need for noteriety or conversation. It was the LORD who had spoken through His servant and confirmed it with signs and wonders. The Lord was protecting the prophet when He said
1Ki 13:9 For so was it charged me by the word of the LORD, saying, Eat no bread, nor drink water, nor turn again by the same way that thou camest.

So the man of God made it through test number one.
By this time the word was out what events had taken place all throughout the region. The report finally reaches an old prophet who lived in Bethel and it stirred His interest.1 Kings13:11-13 His sons had brought the word to their father and had seen which way the prophet went. So the old prophet goes to get the young prophet.
When the old prophet finds the young prophet under an oak tree.1 Kings 13:14
Now the word oak here is 'elah, ay-law' which means an oak or other strong tree.
The prophet was abiding under a strong tree which very well may have been protecting him from the natural elements of the day. As he sat shielded from the sun in the natural, is the same way He sat under the shadow of the Almighty in the spirit realm. As he obeyed the Word of the Lord nothing could harm him.
Then second test comes in 1 Kings 13:15 and the old prophet invites him to his home.
In 1 Kings 13:16-17 The young prophet tells verbatim what he said to the king in vs. 9
Then the disobedience happens 1Ki 13:19 So he went back with him, and did eat bread in his house, and drank water.
Why did the prophet pass test number one, only to fail test number two?
1Ki 13:18 He said unto him, I am a prophet also as thou art; and an angel spake unto me by the word of the LORD, saying, Bring him back with thee into thine house, that he may eat bread and drink water. But he lied unto him.

  • Identification: "I am a prophet also as thou art" Someone to relate with. The pull the young prophet must have felt. He just went through a great spiritual battle. Elijah felt all alone as if he were the last.
    1Ki 19:14 And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

    Even though he had gotten instruction he found someone who could relate.

  • spirtuality: "and an angel spake unto me by the word of the LORD, Oh my, here is someone else who is having encounters with heaven.

  • Word: "saying, Bring him back with thee into thine house, that he may eat bread and drink water."
    Wow, I am hungry and thirsty. He is older than me so he must be seasoned. He had an angelic visitation and got a word for me. Yet the scripture concludes with "But he lied unto him."

  • How did the old prophet lie?
    Was the old prophet deceived himself? Was the angel a demon coming as a messenger of light, causing him to pursue the young prophet in deception? The enemy would have been very upset that the prophet was used of the Lord and would want to retaliate like Jezebel did Elijah.Maybe the enemy was thinking to use this old prophet because of his position to compel the young prophet to disobey God. Hence, the old prophet was deceived causing the younger to be deceived.
    Maybe he was a failed prophet. He had not seen the hand of the Lord move like that in His own life in some time and was wanting to hear the story firsthand as it would remind him of how the Lord used to use him. Yet to do this he manufactured a story to make it sound spiritual. Beings he was a prophet it is possible his sons may have been prophets as well. When they came and told him the story of what the man of God had done, he may have played up their role to make it more than it was.

The word angel is mal'ak, mal-awk'
meaning to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically, of God, i.e. an angel (also a prophet, priest or teacher):--ambassador, angel, king, messenger.

This same word is translated messenger in Ge 32:6, Nu 20:14,Jos 6:17,Jg 6:35 and several other places in the Old Covenant.
Is it possible he played on his sons words who then may have suggested to their father to bring home the young prophet. It is clear that the Lord would not have contradicted himself and sent an angel from his presence to release a contrary word. So deception was present.
Whether the old prophet himself was deceived, or his motives were wrong in trying to get the young prophet to his home can be debated. The key here is that the young prophet was moved to step off of his conviction and follow a lie. It cost him his life.

1Ki 13:24 And when he was gone, a lion met him by the way, and slew him: and his carcase was cast in the way, and the ass stood by it, the lion also stood by the carcase.

It would appear that the old prophet still had the ability to hear God due to the fact he prophesies accurately in 1 Kings 13:20-21 the death of the young prophet.
So let us remember
It is two fold. Someone may be the younger prophet starting their journey in the Lord. Someone may be the older prophet sitting on the sidelines.
  • To the younger prophets obey the word of the Lord. Be on guard
    1. those who appear more spiritual

    2. Those who have words opposite of what the Lord told you

  • To the older prophets repent of error and stop being a stumbling block to those who are being used. They may be young and weak in their walk but they need your experience to encourage them onto perfection. Repent over your failures and ask the Lord to return you to a place of usefulness.
    It would appear that the old prophet may have been brought back on course due to the death of this young prophet. In vs 30 the old prophet says " Alas, my brother" This was used according to the notes I found, for those who had untimely deaths or premature deaths. Just maybe the older prophet was convicted.

In His Service,
Apostle Jesse

Friday, January 18, 2019

Pray Like Never Before

Kingdom Citizens,
It is with fear and trembling that I write today.
I am writing about an impending attack on our President and our Nation.

Before I share this, I want to say openly that I pray for our President. I say openly and publicly that I desire no harm to come to him or his administration.
I pray for the Vice President and pray he and his family be protected.
You might say, why make such a disclaimer? Because NSA, CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies intercept Social Media posts and flag individuals if they make defamatory remarks towards our country or our POTUS.

What I am about to share has had me and my household very disturbed and alarmed.
If you have not seen a video I did in 2016 before the President was elected I encourage you to please do so.
I had shared a Word the Lord gave me in 2001 about our current administration.

One of the key words the Lord said to me was that this President would bring a momentary reprieve to our Nation from Judgment.
It was going to be one of the last seasons that the Church would be able to operate freely.
That this generation of believer would be judged the most harshly because it had the most wealth, revelation and opportunity and did the least with it in evangelism and teaching.

Two weeks ago the Lord began to download to me through an open vision several things.

In my open vision, I saw our President seated in the Oval Office and I saw an assassin coming towards him with a handgun and fire.
I saw our President extend his hand open towards the gunmen and turn away from the attack.
I saw the gun fire and the bullet come out and as the President turned the scene stopped and the vision froze.
The bullet was in mid air suspended.

I heard these words. "Tell My people to pray" Tell them to pray especially hard the week before and the week after Presidents Day.

I asked why Presidents Day? I heard in my spirit that Presidents Day commemorates deceased Presidents and they want this President to become a memory.
We must realize and recognize that even as our President is being used to break down walls he is also being used to be a wall.

The enemy wants him out of the way so the full agenda of other nations and demonic governments can freely function.

2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.

Presidents Day is Monday, February 18th, 2019.
We need to already be bombarding Heaven but we need to February 14th - 28th we need to be at full attention.
The Lord said to me that there are many plans and plots that have been uncovered that have not been disclosed to the American public as it would generate panic.

In a recent revelation the Lord showed me three streams becoming one. These three streams are.

Political Divide:
those opposing the President Shadow State
Racial Divide: Black vs White / Illegals vs Citizens
Equality: LGBTQ LGBT / Womens Rights etc...

These Antichrist demonic streams are merging streams.
It is likened unto the coming together of Herod and Pilate to come against Christ.
Luke 23:12 That day Herod and Pilate became friends--before this they had been enemies.

February 2019 is going to be one the most demonic atmospheres this Nation has experienced.
We need to go into strong intercession for our President and our Nation.

Pray that all attempts will be exposed
Pray protection over our President
Pray the enemy to fall into their own traps.
Pray for Love, Light and Truth to penetrate the Government of the United States and those being used to demonically tear our nation apart.
Pray for a heart that will once again care for the well being of the American People.


In His Love,
Jesse Griffin

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Prophetic Maturity

Some of the things that are being called prophetic are directly connected with the process of maturation.

It is not that the Lord is doing a NEW thing in the sense that He has never done it before.

What He is doing becomes NEW in the sense that a person or a group of individuals have passed through process and the LORD can now begin that particular work in and with them.

Some of what we are calling prophetic insights of what the Lord is doing cannot be released to everyone because many have not matured to handle that particular dealing of the Lord.

The WORD of the Lord for one camp may not necessarily be the WORD for the next as it is linked
to calling, assignment, alignment, territory, maturity, obedience, humility, commission and holiness.

Matthew 13:11 
And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.

Mark 4:33 
And with many such parables spake he the word unto them, as they were able to hear it. (UNDERSTAND)

As the Lord is speaking to us we must discern who the Word is for.

Is it for the multitudes as to the masses as seed is sown?

Is it to be very intentional and directional sowing of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, discernment, revelation etc..?

When assignments are given, the directive is only to be given to those who are meant to run with the vision.

Choose wisely, as we are commanded to not give that which is holy to dogs and to not cast our pearls before swine.
Matthew 7:6

Not every word, thought, or revelation is for every person.

In His Love,
Jesse Griffin