Saints, we should never become so elevated or high minded in our authority that we dismiss the people who supported us on the way to our promotion.
Some people prayed, others encouraged us, some sowed and many endured with us while we were in the making.
When we look at King David, we see a beautiful picture of what happens when we bring the best out of individuals in the hardest of situations.
Those men and women became loyal to David. When He became king he still treated them honorably and with integrity not degradingly.
When we are lifted up, our cry should be to raise others up as well.
Christ prayed John 17 that the Glory He had with the Father would be GIVEN to the Apostles and cause all who believe to become ONE.
The Messianic prayer of Hannah is powerful. She prayed prophetically.
1 Samuel 2:8 He raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he has set the world upon them.
1 Samuel 2:8 He raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he has set the world upon them.
400 destitute impoverished individuals came to make David captain in the cave of Adullam. We also see where David received 200 servants when Nabal passed away.
David is up to 600 plus men including women that became a foundation for his future position as king.
300 of David's Valiant Men came out of the hardest of seasons with David with their lives.
David is up to 600 plus men including women that became a foundation for his future position as king.
300 of David's Valiant Men came out of the hardest of seasons with David with their lives.
It was King Saul who had brought this stress upon the entire land. They all had things in common with being stolen from, used and being chased.
When we can see that we all have the same enemy working to destroy us, it would be better that we learn how to work together instead of apart.
When we can see that we all have the same enemy working to destroy us, it would be better that we learn how to work together instead of apart.
The prophet Samuel had warned the people what Saul would do.
1 Samuel 8:9 -22
Saul used the people and forgot his lowly start.
He was king and had everything he could want. Yet he abused his position and brought distress upon the people.
Saul used the people and forgot his lowly start.
He was king and had everything he could want. Yet he abused his position and brought distress upon the people.
It was the Lord who had turned Hearts to serve both King Saul and David. As Leaders it would do us well to remember that many times God starts our favor off by causing hearts to turn towards us.
It is up to us though to conduct ourselves righteously that we may maintain the favor and continue to grow in it with the people that the Lord has turned towards us so that we may turn them towards Him.
It is up to us though to conduct ourselves righteously that we may maintain the favor and continue to grow in it with the people that the Lord has turned towards us so that we may turn them towards Him.
When the Lord favors us and anoints us, that means we've been chosen for a special task.
It doesn't make us more special than other people in a prideful way. It makes us more responsible to serve others humbly.
It doesn't make us more special than other people in a prideful way. It makes us more responsible to serve others humbly.
David used his authority to bring relief, healing and protection to his people.
2 Samuel 5:12 And David realized that the LORD had confirmed him as king over Israel and had blessed his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel.
We must realize the Lord has appointed and anointed us into positions and places not for ourselves but for the people that we are called to serve.
King David was the only King who was able to unite northern and southern Israel. It is such a beautiful picture of the Messianic Kingdom that will unite all tongues, tribes and Nations together under the banner of the one true King.
If we can suffer together and not fall apart or away from each other, then we qualify to reign and serve each other from the heart.
His Watchman,
Jesse Griffin
Jesse Griffin